Except I don't get the code. AFAIK I don't have 2FA setup. I am trying to login in and get this popup that says "You should be receiving a text message containing a six digit security code in the next 60 seconds. " but I'm not getting any code so I am locked out of my account. The trouble started after I changed my password after my separate buyer's account was hacked. Now I can't get into either. But the buyer's account is secondary right now. How do I get back into my seller's account. AFAIK the login with the new password is correct.
Your email addresses are different for both? Do they funnel into a single source?
I wonder if both accounts have been intermixed?
How to Change or Reset Your Password – Etsy Help However I only see codes being emailed to email and not a text message.
Perhaps a scam? I don't recall Etsy saying they also use text messages.
And codes for 2fa are printed out and kept, not sent to the phone.
When I created a new shop a couple of days ago, Etsy texted me the 2FA code.
@thePaperFramer: Are you possibly logged in on another device (such as the app) or browser? There have been reports that this sometimes causes issues with receiving the security code. You do not have to have two factor authorization enabled to sometimes receive this https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059447973-I-Received-a-Security-Code-Email-from-Etsy
What does AFAIK mean?
As far as I know (abbreviation)
Thanks. Must keep up!
I submitted a request to support on this. I'll see what they say.
Support got me back. For some reason they thought I had 2FA and that was why I was getting the security code popup. They turned that off and I am back in biz - just in time to answer some messages so my SS stays good.
Wow, a satisfactory result from Support in 3 hrs... lucky you. Hope it carries on that way.
I have the same problem, where can I write?