Yesterday I received a message from a first time customer and I answered right away and we messaged back and forth and solidified her order and it still says this is a first time customer, answer quickly.... on and on. She thanked me and I thanked her. She sent me a smiley face and then I got the first time person flag again! I had to ask her to let me end the thread, I made a joke out of it so she did but this morning it still says its a first time customer etc etc. Etsy can you please fix this. I dont want to lose my star seller because of this. Thank you
If you replied, then that's all you need to do. It's an Etsy glitch.
I am having the same exact issue.
I hope they see this thread and can fix it soon, SMH
Yeah I tried to just reply with .. that didn’t work so gave up, fingers crossed they can see everything been answered
GieseDeseigns; I concerned that they dont count us as not having answered a customer and give us a bad rating for it in this new customer service thing they got going
I have the same issue. I sent the last reply and the blue message is still there. Although I did have a nice back and forth conversation with someone, I really didn't need to have the last word, lol. I don't get that many messages so I don't want this to affect my response rate. I hope this gets remedied soon.
I have the same issue but the blue first time message banner goes away after about 24 -26 hours, and it hasn’t affected my star seller at all.
There's a big thread about this and Etsy is aware. They replied on it and said to stay tuned on it for updates. It's here: