Good morning. I hope that you are well.
I have been trying to access etsy from both my phone and laptop this morning and is its saying on both, you have been blocked. Something about click speed being too fast etc... Is anyone else experiencing issues?
Thank you so much.
Warmest regards
Not in a bad way - in a "we are all in this together" way. There's more likely to be a solution soon!!
We seem to all be in the same boat, pity its leaking. At least there's hope that we will get back online soon.
Came here looking for the same issue.
I've had this too but finally resolved it, I had tried clearing cookies & cache from the device I was using, it didn't work, but I did this from EVERY device I was logged in with on my network, then restarted my browser on each device and I'm now unblocked and back onto the website. Hopefully it will work for some of you. I had been blocked for about 25 minutes when I tried this and it worked, so I suppose it could be that the block only lasts 25 minutes too but worth a try clearing all your devices and restarting browsers.
Same here, blocked
RESOLVED IT! I've had this too but finally resolved it, I had tried clearing cookies & cache from the device I was using, it didn't work, but I did this from EVERY device I was logged in with on my network, then restarted my browser on each device and I'm now unblocked and back onto the website. Hopefully it will work for some of you. I had been blocked for about 25 minutes when I tried this and it worked, so I suppose it could be that the block only lasts 25 minutes too but worth a try clearing all your devices and restarting browsers.
Same here. UK shop and I noticed it about 10 minutes ago.
Yes, both shops.
I am currently experiencing the same issue. I have an active sales list and orders. I urgently need help from someone on Etsy. I can't reach anyone. Please help urgently!
RESOLVED IT! I've had this too but finally resolved it, I had tried clearing cookies & cache from the device I was using, it didn't work, but I did this from EVERY device I was logged in with on my network, then restarted my browser on each device and I'm now unblocked and back onto the website. Hopefully it will work for some of you. I had been blocked for about 25 minutes when I tried this and it worked, so I suppose it could be that the block only lasts 25 minutes too but worth a try clearing all your devices and restarting browsers.
My link was blocked. Oh my God, Etsy is giving me so many problems.
Same here! Hope it gets fixed asap!
Same in the UK. I can't send a message to my customer!
It's also doing the same on my Pattern shop.
I can't access the Etsy Help either.
I have 60 orders to process. ETSY PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP!
RESOLVED IT! I had this too but finally resolved it, I had tried clearing cookies & cache from the device I was using, it didn't work, but I did this from EVERY device I was logged in with on my network, then restarted my browser on each device and I'm now unblocked and back onto the website. Hopefully it will work for some of you. I had been blocked for about 25 minutes when I tried this and it worked, so I suppose it could be that the block only lasts 25 minutes too but worth a try clearing all your devices and restarting browsers.
I was so worried it was just me.
I'm blocked too. The weird thing is it shows an IP address that is NOT mine. It says IP This is not mine!!
I have the same problem and cannot into Etsy. I have two computers with two different IP addresses, but same problem.
Looks like an Etsy problem.
Affecting one of my Etsy shops.
Hopefully it is just a technical issue.
Pity there is no link to contact Etsy directly, but at least access to this forum still works, just hope etsy monitor this.
Affecting all of my shops and on three different browsers. Clearing cache and cookies did not help. Help Esty !
Affecting my shop across phone, laptop and desktop, the only part of Etsy I'm not getting the you are blocked notice is the forums!
Yes and we're blocked too...
also blocked!
Myself also, can't find any way to resolve this, have tried the deleting cookies, clearing cache, restarting browser etc recommendations, didn't work, no email from Etsy to give info on what to do or how o resolve and can't contact Etsy customer service via 'contact us' as I am blocked from the site, totally frustrated, as there's so many people having the same issue today hopefully it's something they will resolve soon!
Yes I have been blocked. Paid for a label but Etsy won't let me print it. Tried 2 different computers, both are blocked.