Good morning. I hope that you are well.
I have been trying to access etsy from both my phone and laptop this morning and is its saying on both, you have been blocked. Something about click speed being too fast etc... Is anyone else experiencing issues?
Thank you so much.
Warmest regards
Just had this: clear cookies from etsy *and* recaptcha and try again
I just had the same, on all my devices and browsers.
Run a scan on your computer
Clear cookies & Cache
Restart device
All fixed, you may have to solve a puzzle to prove you are not a robot
(In the UK)
I was just going to create a topic for this. I have been blocked too. I don't really know why.
Yes me too
same here, just now. all of our shops.
literally just came here to look for this, my partner JUST had this happen while opening up some tabs on Etsy. blocked on both his PC and Phone app. Clearing cache and cookies didn't fix it. Also located in the UK. Hopefully it's just a blip on Etsy's side
I can get into the app, but not on desktop.
I have the same problem
Me too. What a freak out.
Me too and I am a german shop!
Same here. I was panicking but glad it’s not just me!
Me too :((((((
Im in the US and having the same issue
Same here, I was printing shipping labels and I got terrified when I saw this.
The same happened to me just minutes ago as I was updating a listing. Surely this glitch will be fixed momentarily. Maddening.
Same for me, here in the U.K.
Here the same
I have the same issue, I'm in the UK. Hope this is fixed soon as I have listings to add. So annoying !!
Me too!
Same here, just few minutes ago
Yes me too, what is going on?
Mods please get your tech guys to look at this, we all have orders to complete on, thanks.
Same here. Was alright first thing in the morning (UK) but just now tried to sign in but the screen says You Have Been Blocked.
Can't even access from my Pinterest board.
No email received regarding this.
Have sent feedback but this needs to be addressed by Mods / Etsy
* Edited to say now back to normal
Yes,me too,from Hungary..
Same here, can't access via PC or phone app. Shop manager loads fine, but I cant view my shop.
Same here! I can access from my phone but blocked on PC.
Hope this is resolved soon as I have customer orders to fulfill.
So pleased to see it is affecting everyone!