Why am I not getting email notifications of sales and messages? I use to get both. I have changed nothing.
that sounds like a notifications issue with your phone settings. I'd try resetting the notification settings first, or uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
Maybe something has changed with your email provider and it is no longer letting the messages through. Or Etsy could have screwed up something.. I don't think I ever have gotten a message notification, the only major announcement I ever got was that the grace period on off site ads was over and they were now charging and I haven't gotten a sale notification in over 2 years. I get the sales cha-ching on my phone, I check for messages in my shop at least once a day and I rely on the forums for major announcements. Etsy emailing has always been iffy at best.
Interesting. I've received an email for every single sale I've made in the last almost 18 years I've sold here. I also get most of the other (mostly marketing) emails too.
I don't use the app, and I am talking about on my PC.
Please don't take this the wrong way, it is meant to be helpful. Is the volume on your PC on mute? It msy sound like I am being smart, even to me, but a while back I was wondering why I wasn't getting the usual cha ching sounds when a sale came through and after a couple of days searching through Etsy settings to work out why my husband pointed out I had my laptop speaker on mute, doh!!! ( We both work on our laptops from our recliners in the evenings so we tend to mute them so as not to annoy each other.)
Just a suggestion...
I understand what you are saying--the same thing started with me back last Oct with sales transactions. The only way I know I have a sale is to check my dashboard at a minimum of daily. Then around the first of the year I started to not receive message notifications. I have not changed a thing on my Etsy settings and on checking notifications is turned on.
I just chalk it up to another of those Etsy glitches that keep happening.
And yes, I also use a PC--and yes, I keep getting the worthless notification like the hooray and how to increase your sales, etc. The junk is flowing just fine.
@DeserdogsTreasures I thought all sellers automatically receive emails about orders, but maybe not?
Check your account settings ... there's an emails tab at the top. Double check you're subscribed to the ones you want to be subscribed to.
@BootifulLabels You get the Etsy CHA CHING on your laptop? I only get it on my phone. I thought it was part of the app (so not sure how you're using that on a laptop).
Be sure that the address book on your PC includes the Etsy email addresses...I think there are three...maybe 4...they must be in the handbook...or perhaps some one reading this can help with them...
here are two(2) I know...may be another one or 2.
I hope this helps.
I have my email inbox open on my laptop in a pinned tab, and have the cha-ching sound set for incoming mail from Etsy, so anytime a sale email comes in, I get a cha-ching.
@BootifulLabels Hmmm! Never thought to see if I could have sounds with my email. LOL!
@DeserdogsTreasures: Presuming that the eMail was sent, many bad things can happen after the eMail has left Etsy's eMail server. Your eMail provider or Internet Service Provider or even a relaying server could be blocking the eMail in error and it never even makes it to your eMail client much less your SPAM or junk folder.
Again presuming that the eMail was sent and depending on where in the process the eMail was blocked and who your eMail provider is, sometimes whitelisting the sending domain can help.
One thing to check is that your email is still confirmed. Every once in a while, mine gets unconfirmed and I have to confirm it again.
Go to Your Account (the icon on the top right of your storefront or any Etsy shopping page) and go to Account Settings. About half way down, it shows your Email and the Status. Verify it says Confirmed. If it doesn't, it should have a button to allow you to reconfirm it.
That's not always the issue people have when they stop getting emails, but it's the one I've had in the past, so worth a look.
I found out that my phone will snooze notifications on apps that you don't use a lot. Go into the seller app and settings and check. If you're talking straight up emails..make sure nothing has changed in your email settings here and that your email isn't spamming them.
I no longer get all my purchase or shipping notifications when I buy something on Etsy.
I have no problems with Amazon, eBay or anywhere else I buy regularly.
There just seems to be so much that no longer works properly here.
@OneEyeCatStudio: Maybe your eMail provider uses a service which has blacklisted the IP address of the Etsy's eMail server because enough buyers have marked the "you haven't reviewed your purchase yet" eMails as SPAM.
Are you serious? You're not serious.
But that would be a totally blocked and not a sometimes thing.
@OneEyeCatStudio: "But that would be a totally blocked and not a sometimes thing." I was being sarcastic, but different Etsy eMails are sent from different Etsy eMail servers (and IP addresses) so one could be blocked without impacting the remainder.
@DeserdogsTreasures - I had been getting fewer and fewer notifications of sales the last few months, so a few days ago I went into my account settings where you can specify what emails you want to receive. I used to be able to check off the setting for sales, and messages, but not all the extras for favs, etc. but now to my surprise, the selection for being notified for a sale is gone, nowhere to be seen on the account page!! So that may explain why we aren't getting them. You might want to look at that page. (I hadn't looked at it for quite awhile as it has never been a page I check frequently like some others, and it is totally different now.)
@timelapse: Perhaps memory is failing but I don't think eMail notifications of sales was ever an option and they were sent whether you wanted them or not.
@BagmakerSupply - yes it was, because the only things I opted to receive was sales and messages, not favs and all the other annoyng ding dongs.
I still get an email when I make a sale. Got one a few hours ago!
On my phone the app will send me a cha-ching notification for even a fav. ( no sound but the pop up says Cha-ching so you think you got a sale but nope. I don't want to say JUST a fav but seriously..a fav is not a cha-ching sale!
Do a long press on the app, then click on App Info.
Click on Notifications.
You can toggle the notifications on and off, and clicking the bell on the left will let you change the sound. I changed my Etsy cha ching to the sound of sleigh bells because I've always liked that sound! I also like that it now makes a different sound than the eBay cha ching.