All of a sudden in March my sales and visits are non existent . I’ve been consistent for 3 years . Is there something going on ? 

Re: Visits and sales dropped

Same here:(

Probably Etsy change the algorithms or Etsy testing a new improvements. The only visitors at my shop are from social media like Instagram and Pinterest

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

I have noticed this, as well. The visits and views are consistently driven by social media (most specifically) Pinterest. All of my stats via Etsy are down significantly. Etsy was pushing the Save + Share function - could this indicate that they are having a difficult time competing with other platforms via Google and shift focus to social driven sales?  Overall, my sales are sporadic and then clumped together (pattern: nothing for first part of the week and a rush of sales towards week's end 3-4 sales) for weeks on end and then it switches to sales-heavy the first 2 days of the week and nothing for the remainder of the week. Cycling shop visibility has been an issue for some time (past 2 years) for me, maybe with influx of new shops on Etsy across pandemic??? I am consistently down 20% YoY for the last 3 years. Some months I am down 40%. Given that bills need to be paid monthly, it is proving to be a point of financial stress, when I was used to daily sales and consistently 7-10 sales minimum per week. I know others have shared the same insights and sentiment. I am tired. Social media is just another source of stress : inconsistencies and headache. Harder and harder to make a living as a small business. My goal is to begin work on my own website by year end, but again this means a huge shift of time and attention to social media which exhausts me, lol.

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Something is weird...I am not getting dales either! When I pay for adds I don't get much views, favorites, and no sales. And every time I sell, it's from adds, with extra tax...

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

My last decent year, was 2020. Since 2021, everything has been going downhill. Lots more mass produced items; items that are listed for up to 65% off...and on and on. 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

It's always like this at certain points. I was thinking maybe April is just a bad month because of tax time. You would think I would know the trends by now after over a decade of being here. 

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Conversation Maker

Re: Visits and sales dropped

It’s been crickets for last few weeks, which not too surprising as warming up, but still usually have a few orders trickle in, nope. Went on vacation this week, have two back to back orders, need to do this more often I guess.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Visits and sales dropped

Well I only started my store a month ago-decided to spend a few hundred dollars advertizing the store for a kick off-Now can see this is just not going to work,all advertising platforms like Etsy ads and Pinterest to say keep wanting me to pay more with not one sale-Welcome to the world of AI and guess we cannot compete with China and cheap prices, so think I will go back to my old days at selling at markets and boot sells, no postage costs which is a killer or leave my jewlery sale or return in clothes shops etc, think it is cheaper to pay public liability insurance for market stalls than being on Etsy, also Ebay no sales there anymore. Over the last 15 years made many Wordpress blogs did ok, but now one has to pay so much to make a website seen and security for buyers there is no profit left- Now always there will be changes in life-The trick is to learn where is this all going..lots of parts of the world at war,costs to live gone crazy and we expect people have enough money to buy our handcrafted products when they are struggling like us all to put food on the table-It is easy to blame Etsy,Ebay etc but their costs have risen high but think how we have shot ourselves in the foot by constanly reducing the sale price of products we create.My conclusion right or wrong is hang in with Etsy which I will do for 6 months, monitor your costs on advertizing and consider where this world is going hopefully not to world war 3-So crazy as it seems I am considering putting my prices higher,then I can survive on selling two products per say than 10,not sure on that yet always keep thinking out the box-never give up we all die so keep fighting as long as vertical guys my heart is with all us sellers.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Visits and sales dropped

It’s like someone snapped there fingers and my visits and sales just stopped the fact there are so many ppl saying this at the same time is a little bit suss to me

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

This has been a common event every spring when Etsy makes changes and tweaks the site to enhance sales.

The last three weeks have been the worst I have had in YEARS and it happened almost overnight.  It is not the economy, my SEO or bad pics.  Something is broken and praying they fix it soon!

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Same here, paying for Ads all month and no sales. I need to stop Ad as I don't think ETSY is actually advertising for me.  I don't feel ETSY is advertising for me. Way too many not handmade shops are killing ETSY. I totally agree with getting rid of these mass-producing shops.  I work hard on what I do, and I am truly hand made. If anyone has suggestions on where else to sell I would be game since ETSY don't seem to be it.

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Came here to say the same issue. Noticed a few others shops that also have been around quite some time, and it looks like we all are going through this with low sales and views. Having 2 views has been utterly awful for my conversion rates and I usually make sales every day. I was laid off from my part-time job recently too so the issues with etsy ads to low sales and views really doesn't help right now. I want to keep blaming it on society, recession, companies going through major layoffs, issues but I have not seen it this bad in a few years.

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Has anyone come out of this mess and back to their normal numbers?

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

No.  Sales have come to grinding halt ever since this gift mode was released in March. 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Nope, I am down 75% year over year this month! My shop is almost a decade old. It's not just the handmade markets that are hurting. I sell vintage, and my shop has been painfully slow for months. May is usually one of my best months because of Mother's Day, but not this year. 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

no, even worse.

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Betreff: Visits and sales dropped

Ich betreue drei shops hier auf etsy, 2 davon sind sehr gut etabliert und werfen genug Umsatz ab, um meinen Lebensunterhalt davon bestreiten zu können. Immer dann, wenn neue Dinge auftauchen, wie gestern der "Geschenkefinder", stehen alle shops still für mehrere Tage.

Ich hatte nun einen schlechten März, einen katastrophalen April und seit drei Tagen gar keine Verkäufe mehr in allen drei shops. Es ist egal, wie viele neue Produkte ich einstelle oder ob ich werbe, links auf Insta teile... : Wenn Etsy an der Seite bastelt, stoppen die Verkäufe! Dieses ständige Herumprobieren und Nachbessern am Algorythmus ist geschäftsschädigend. Ich muss meine Produkte anderweitig verkaufen, wenn Etsy nicht "repariert" wird und zum alten Standard zurückfindet.

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Betreff: Visits and sales dropped

That is awful that your sales are down for all 3 shops! It doesn't make sense! I have only had 3 sales since late March=( 

I don't know why they would introduce 'gift finder'. I mean all of Etsy is for finding gifts lol. I wish they would understand not to break things that are already working and knowing what a huge impact it has on sellers. 

Let's hope for the best! hang in there. 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

I wanted to chime in to let you all know that I concur. To me, it seems like somewhere around the 1st and 2cnd of April is when things went downhill on my shop. Prior to this I would get at least 1-2 sales per day, and 4-5 on a Good day. It’s been weeks since I have had a sale at this point. I’m marketing through social media, which is something that I always do. Not sure what happened over the past month but this has been my worst month by far. 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

This is happening to me as well. I had a good first year '23 and now nothing. I'm not getting any sales from west coast, UK and Canada which was predominantly where my jobs were coming from. Im almost at the point of moving on. It makes me mad as hard as I've worked to get this up and running. Good luck to others and let me know if you find a solution.

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Same ! very low views and sales the past 2 weeks. Last 3 days the worst ! 

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

Hello, samedi here. I had one sale a day on average. And susddenly no sales for thé past 2 weeks. Never happened since 2020. I also suspect thé New gift programme. But it gets very discouraging to work for Etsy, as you can't seem to rely on their system. Not sure what s going on but not pleased at all

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Re: Visits and sales dropped

This Year has been The Worst Views & $ales for us in 12 Years w/Etsy! Humm Wonder does it have anything to do with any of these Numerous Changes of Things:

*Search is Wonky [ Example Search: Spoon & ring boxes are Shown there also. What & Why?  Click onto Categories & it Changes your search term; Wow how Confusing for the shopper; people can't find what their Looking for?

* the Pop-Up Maybe its due to Pushy Obnoxious Buy your Fav or recently viewed item in shoppers Face, the you  X the Pop-Up,  it Continues to Pop-Up Over & Over Again. that's been discouraging? [ so shopper un Favs items for it to go Away. ]

*How many Tests we've been in already this year.

Oh don't forget the *Seo, and *Algorithms Changed Again.

*Shoppers getting Frustrated & Shop Else where?  Humm it is really exhausting & Challenging Trying to keep up with all the changes so we can be found. 


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Re: Visits and sales dropped

I have had low sales since the beginning of the year.  Right now I am running at below half what I usually do no matter what I do to improve the problem.  I am looking for somewhere else to go.  I have worked very hard to become successful here and I have over 5K in sales.  Since the beginning of the year it is like I am invisible.  They appear to be blocking me from the search 90% of the time.  And some of the stuff they are doing like this pop up crap when you favor something is obviously annoying buyers and seller alike.  It is so strange also when I do get a sale it will come with a bunch and then dry up to nothing like someone blocked me from being seen again.  I am so sick of this and I need the income.  This is not a hobby for me.  If I don't sell I don't pay my bills!  

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Community Maker

Re: Visits and sales dropped

@TheCalamityHouse what are you doing to keep up with etsy changes? Image requirements especially? Those glass lamps are beautiful but difficult to see with the noisy background. It looks like a beautiful chair though and that is not what you are selling. And, Etsy likes large square images. But yeah... good luck to all of us.

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Betreff: Visits and sales dropped

Zero deals since 4 weeks (1st week of April). Before I had 1 or 2 sales per week, average. Visits seem to be stable so far, more or less. But not a single sale in four weeks, the 1st time at all I see this happen.

When I check my search performance in incognito mode, I type in “vintage necktie”, then immediately the search changes into “necktie” and I see not one of my items in the listing. Usually I had a few of my items on the 1st page of such search listings.

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