I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to bring to your attention a concern I've encountered regarding a recent change in my shop's currency.
Yesterday, I switched the currency from $ to Eur, and today I observed a significant setback in my Star Seller status. All my progress, which was on track to receive the Star Seller badge on Feb 1st, has been reset to 0.
It appears there is a technical issue causing not just a conversion but the complete removal of sales and orders data from $ to Eur. This has resulted in all my statistics, particularly on Orders and Sales, displaying as 0.
Achieving the Star Seller badge was a significant accomplishment for me, and I invested considerable effort to attain it. However, with the current situation, it feels like all that hard work has been erased.
I'm reaching out to seek your guidance on how to address this matter. I would appreciate any advice or assistance you can provide to rectify this situation and restore my rightfully earned Star Seller status.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. PLEASE PLEASE
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That's what happens when you change your shop currency. There is no way to fix it unless you change it back.
If I switch m y currency back to $ will my stats get back to where it was?
:(( :(((((((
Give it a try.
No way... this cannot be happening!!!! Turned it back to $ and nothing happened... Absolute zero on Sales and Orders!!!!!!!!
And there go all my efforts :((
I need to scream to someone :((
Thank you, Nana
Some Etsy features, and particularly star sellers, aren't real time. I've seen it take a few days to include messages marked as spam and new messages.
But I'd contact Etsy about the impact of changing currency on Star Seller stats.
You need to contact Etsy directly. This is a seller's forum, no one here can help you.
Why are you so set on getting the star seller badges? They mean nothing to anybody but Etsy and some sellers. Buyers don't even notice them most of the time and they are no help in getting sales. And too many people can never have them because they don't or can't afford to send things tracked because of the expense involved to the buyer. And too many people have star seller badges like IP infringers and resellers. The rest of us just worry about giving good customer service and forget about the badges. But if that is what you want, then switch back to dollars and see what it does.
You are right, but that was one of my goals fro my list.
It's just like a confirmation for me...
IDK how to explain, but... I just want that and I was following the progress of that every day! That was on my everyday list among all the other tasks ..and now....
And goals are meant to be something to strive for. Until their not. If this is causing so much stress, then it is time to drop it from the list.
Where are you located, and why the currency change? I am just curious.
I'm from Romania, and I was loosing extra % at $ to Eur conversion. That was the reason.
How were you able to select dollats for your currency as a non US seller?
You can select the currency you list in, regardless of where you are.
You can change it here
shop manager - finances - payment settings - currency tab
@PerfectPlannersGS: "It appears there is a technical issue ..." Actually it appears to be an intentional design choice by Etsy.
"Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. " Even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts).
"Even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy"
you are right!!
I apologize for posting this here, but I was tooo/sooo angry...
I apologize to everyone!
No changing it back won't get your stats back.
As some of the metrics are currency based, it resets the stats. It can't say " these orders were in € and therefore this applies, but these orders are now in us$ so this applies". It can only track in one currency.
Mine did, a yr+ ago, I made this mistake, and it took over a day when I changed it back, but it reverted back to the stats I'd had.
Been there, done it, when I changed my currency back, it corrected itself after 24 hrs.
@PerfectPlannersGS I switched currencies about a year after opening. I can see the stats for each currency if I select "All Time". Then select each currency, and it gives me all the stats. Nothing is lost.
A shop's all time stats and info are different than what is calculated for star seller.
Etsy has confirmed on numerous other posts about the same 'problem' that it is correct, you lose your shop's history as far as the SS program goes when you change currency. But no, you don't lose the information in the overall history of the shop.
It may take 24 hours to change so wait 24 hours to see if it resets itself. Etsy usually recommends waiting 24 hours.
@PerfectPlannersGS Maybe the SS system has to reset itself.
Well, it's been more the 48 hrs since I changed the system currency to Eur.
The stats indeed are available for both currencies now. I can see all orders and sales under both currencies now.
Anyway, the Star Seller stats were down to zero since I changed to Eur. None from the old sales and orders were not converted or carried out to the new currency. Everything under the SS system started from 0.
I got used with the idea
Thank you all for your replies.
Have a good day and success to you all!
Hei, I'm building a shop on Etsy from Romania, and found this post by mistake - should I set my currency in $ or EUR from the start?
Will I lose a % when converting?