Newbie etsy shop here!
Ive set domestic price and global price to be slightly different because im offering free global shipping on a small light item. But on the actual live listing the price change isnt showing, its just showing my domestic price for the whole world. Yet on my dashboard preview of my listing it shows €12 domestic €14 everywhere else.
Why is this not showing on the live listing?
I’ve just received 2 international orders at that slightly lower domestic price. I’ve dispatched them as theyre my first shop orders, and didnt wsnt to hassle my first customers!
Anyone know how to solve this? Many thanks!
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Yeah, it's certainly not working.
When you say dashboard preview, do you mean on your listings page thumbnail of active listings?
Have you gone into it and double checked it's showing on the edit? Perhaps try doing it again and publishing.
Thank you for replying!
Yes, the preview thumbnail on ‘listings’ page shows the 2 different amounts - but when i click on the listing to ‘edit it’ - the pricing is the same for the 2 regions. Ive edited it, saved changes, and even still, it’s showing as changed on the ‘preview’, but when i go back into the listing the domestic and global price amounts have changed themselves to be the same!
I got an order this morning internationally paid with domestic price, again!
Despite trying to change it yesterday many times - it keeps reverting to making the domestic and global prices the same, by itself, despite my edits - very confusing!
It must be a system glitch/bug - should i contact etsy tech support and report the issue or do they attend the forum? Im new here so unsure of protocol.
Many thanks
The problem seems to have started around the same time Etsy began trialling the new listing "experience".
Here are two other threads about it
Yes, I do suggest that you contact Etsy support. Hopefully this link will offer you the email option
The problem seems to have started around the same time Etsy began trialling the new listing "experience".
Here is a link to one of the threads
I do suggest that you contact Etsy support. Hopefully this link will offer you the email option
Apologies for the duplicate posts.
Hi , did you ever get this sorted as I have just changed all my items to free delivery with different prices for UK and worldwide and I have had an order from the US with UK prices. So frustrating!
Yeh contact support, but don't expect them to actually do anything about it (at least quickly).
I would make the price the same, whether that's charging the higher amount, or in the middle.
I just had this happen to me. If I make the prices the same it will affect local buyers adversely as I use Fedex express overseas which is 5 times the ccost locally. This is totally crazy!!
@SoigneTreasures: We are not in the UK, but are you not able to set up your shipping profile(s) to charge differently for domestic and international shipments?
There is a KNOWN issue that Etsy is refusing to fix since last year with the new listing form that they're forcing on us.
Despite putting in the correct pricing on the back end, the front end is not acting correctly and showing the appropriate prices.
Can you still use the old one? There may be a few extra clicks to get to it, but you should still be able to access it.
@BagmakerSupply I can set them up pl. From my dashboard you can see the 2 prices under each item. If I then edit anything at all they change to the domestic price. It is awful as I may only be adding the HSS code
I have repeatedly complained to support as this only happens when using the new form which has never worked with the domestic / international shipping options. The old form works fine. I keep losing money due to this, but I fear as the new listing form is being rolled out even though it doesn’t work things may just get worse.
This has now been going on over a year and as the new form was rolled out without it being resolved I have given up complaining. Etsy support just tell me it is a known issue causing Etsy sellers to continue losing money 🥲
I have answered this in 2 other threads. but will post my workaround here in case you miss it.
New items. Set global and domestic both to the global price and publish. Go to your listing dashboard, tick the checkbox of the item. Use editing options and reduce the domestic price by the amount you wish.
Existing items. Any changes whatsoever that you make, text, price or photos, tags etc will screw up the price. Again set both to global price and then repeat as above. It is a faff but it works.
You can check by using another browser or an incognito window and look at your shop setting your location (bottom left) to the relevant country.
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