Traffic being driven away from shop

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Has anyone received any info on why our buyers are receiving the Etsy message "Sorry, this item is unavailable in your region." ?   I contacted support but the assumption was it was a problem on my buyers end.  I received the same error code myself when pulling up the listings which I screen shotted.  I checked my region settings and they are correct. Two of the customers who contacted me are past buyers and both live in my country. And one is within 50 miles of my studio.  I'm positive this issue is on Etsy's end. 

Many of my listings have just become unavailable to areas I sell to now.  Thankfully my customers have reached out otherwise I wouldn't have known traffic is being driven away from my Etsy shop.  I'm hoping someone has received information or help with this?  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@NanaLetha Thank you. I just read through that post.  It looks like Etsy has programmed a bot to be ultra sensitive to any skin showing.   Unfortunately since I sell mermaids, it means my artwork may no longer be welcome on the site even though they are family friendly.    This is so darn disappointing!  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Well that is crazy.  So sorry this is happening to you.

I clicked on a random 10 of your items, 7 showed available, 3 showed unavailable and I don't know why those 3 would say that.

Hawaiian mermaid was one, Mermaid art, beach house decor another and Mermaid sitting in ocean the 3rd one.

No rhyme or reason why those showed up not available when clearly you have them for sale in your shop. 

I couldn't see anything in the items why those 3 showed up unavailable and other similar ones don't?
Makes no sense!

None of those were nude or provocative poses, like you said all family friendly (except I guess for Etsy).

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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If it is indeed a bot trying to catch scantily clad minors, it does not appear to be very effective.  There are several designers who use live models in contemporary and jazz dance poses.  I did a spot check on their shops, and the live model listings appear to be fully functional.  This includes costumes such as leotards or two piece jazz costumes which tend to have minimal coverage.  

Etsy chat is not available this evening, so perhaps it will take a few days to fix the issue.

I am surprised though that I cannot view the listings logged into my own shop.  The listings in question are also showing as "active" when I check my listing page, so tgey were not deactivated.

The ones blocked by Etsy are appropriate for all audiences, and fairly G-rated for dance costumes.

Fortunately, two (red skating dress and brown mask costume) are older or dated designs that I am planning to redesign and update.  The other (plum dance costume) is on clearance.

None of them drive much traffic to my shop. I would be much more unhappy if it was one of the designs that brings a lot of traffic to my shop.

* It is really unfortunate that your mermaid art is being deactivated when listings using live minor models are not (If this is indeed part of the new child model policy enforcement)

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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I spoke with chat this morning.  They said that it was an issue that Etsy IT is aware of and are trying to resolve.

I pointed out that porn and images with actual children are not being blocked, but images on dress forms or other innocuous items are.  They responded with the standard "we are escalating this issue" statement.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@NanaLetha Thank you. I just read through that post.  It looks like Etsy has programmed a bot to be ultra sensitive to any skin showing.   Unfortunately since I sell mermaids, it means my artwork may no longer be welcome on the site even though they are family friendly.    This is so darn disappointing!  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Well that is crazy.  So sorry this is happening to you.

I clicked on a random 10 of your items, 7 showed available, 3 showed unavailable and I don't know why those 3 would say that.

Hawaiian mermaid was one, Mermaid art, beach house decor another and Mermaid sitting in ocean the 3rd one.

No rhyme or reason why those showed up not available when clearly you have them for sale in your shop. 

I couldn't see anything in the items why those 3 showed up unavailable and other similar ones don't?
Makes no sense!

None of those were nude or provocative poses, like you said all family friendly (except I guess for Etsy).

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Having the same thing happen in my shop. Really disheartening.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@moonlitmockups I'm so sorry to hear this.  It really is disheartening.  I've had success with selling on this venue.  My customers have been fantastic!  Hopefully this problem can be fixed. 

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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It is ridiculous @NancyQstudio .

It reminds me of the last bot that deactivated hair clips because it thought it was drug paraphernalia.

I guess the only lesson they learned from that was to do the sneaky "not available in your region " so you might not notice it instead of deactivating it and giving you a notice.

I hope they straighten it out soon.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Thank you @SmudgePlant .  This one really took me by surprise. And this happened right as Etsy is asking to pair social media through their share program.  Man, do I feel stupid for doing that!  I'm currently redirecting away from Etsy now so I don't loose too much business.  And I'm changing all of my listing statuses to manual since Etsy is not allowing me to sell. But yes, they are still collecting fees for these listings.   I am really hoping this is a glitch or honest mistake which I'm choosing to believe right now. 

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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That really sucks that Etsy is still collecting fees on those items that are unavailable. 
Did Etsy honestly think sellers wouldn't notice this?
Or that sellers would get messages from shoppers asking why an item was for sale but when they clicked on it, it came up unavailable????? And a seller having NO clue why. 

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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If I was a conspiracy this and that, I'd wonder that this issue popped up at the same time as the $5 off that is plastered all over everywhere. Five bucks is chump change but added up, nice tidy sum to outlay. To come on the heels of having to reduce PAR, it's just questionable. It's rare for Etsy to open their wallet (the carrot) and not whap you in the head with the stick (higher fees) once you turn your back.

It is...interesting timing. Quinky dinky? Maybe, maybe not. I've always been suspicious of an open hand. It's the other hand I'd wonder about.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@vintageNCtreasures Thank you for checking my shop.  Hopefully this is a mistake that can be corrected.  Collecting fees on items which are hidden is unethical.  I wouldn't think Etsy would intentionally do this.  But just in case, I changed all my listings to manual renewal.  Hopefully I can set them back to automatic at a later time.  And I'm getting set up to heavily promote elsewhere.  This is about all I can do other than wait and hope this situation will be fixed.  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Too bad Etsy hasn’t created a bot that strictly hides mass produced items that are marked “handmade”.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@AKindredYarn Yep! 

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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A bunch of my mermaids and bathing suits are showing "Sorry, this item is unavailable in your region."  This is so disheartening.  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@MysticalMermaidsCo I'm sorry you are dealing with this too.  

The more sellers are sharing, the more I'm starting to feel this may be a "goof".  Since it's a weekend, there might be some light shed on the issue and hopefully a resolve during the working week days. Let's hope this is the case.  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Several of my items are receiving that alert.

One is a figure skating dress with a high mock turtleneck and sleeves down to the fingertips.  None of them are modeled on a human body.  All are on linen, white, tan or medium brown dress forms.

I am unable to view any of those listings even if I am logged into my shop.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@CostumeCoutureNaomi Now that's just strange!  I've been following your shop for a long time.    

Oddly, this does give me hope that this is a glitch or a programming mistake.  I can't imagine any of your items being flagged for any reason.

I'm sorry you are dealing with this too.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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If it is indeed a bot trying to catch scantily clad minors, it does not appear to be very effective.  There are several designers who use live models in contemporary and jazz dance poses.  I did a spot check on their shops, and the live model listings appear to be fully functional.  This includes costumes such as leotards or two piece jazz costumes which tend to have minimal coverage.  

Etsy chat is not available this evening, so perhaps it will take a few days to fix the issue.

I am surprised though that I cannot view the listings logged into my own shop.  The listings in question are also showing as "active" when I check my listing page, so tgey were not deactivated.

The ones blocked by Etsy are appropriate for all audiences, and fairly G-rated for dance costumes.

Fortunately, two (red skating dress and brown mask costume) are older or dated designs that I am planning to redesign and update.  The other (plum dance costume) is on clearance.

None of them drive much traffic to my shop. I would be much more unhappy if it was one of the designs that brings a lot of traffic to my shop.

* It is really unfortunate that your mermaid art is being deactivated when listings using live minor models are not (If this is indeed part of the new child model policy enforcement)

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@NancyQstudio  @CostumeCoutureNaomi  This is crazy; doesn't even make sense.  I'm so sorry this is happening to you and other.  Does anyone wish to "a" Admin ampersay?  There are too many people having this issue for it not to be a major glitch.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Does that mean that my token pendants showing the little mermaid statue in Copenhagen, Denmark, are banned in US because she's nude and - in some version - seems pregnant???? Oh dear... do I really need to edit all my mermaid coin pictures (and cover parts of the lady) to be able to sell to US? I'm trying to smile here....

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@ChillwolfArt I'm hoping it's a glitch.  But I suspect it's a Etsy programmed bot run amuck.  So I'm not sure if the issue will be resolved?

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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I am having the same issue. This started when the "GET5" sale started.  I have a few items (printed fall pillows with pumpkin designs) that this is affecting!  NO skin or anything else like that!  And of course one of my best selling items that showing in 20 carts is one that is affected! 

It seems to be one thing after another with ETSY anymore.

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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@IdleTymeCreations Sadly I agree. Etsy has become difficult to work with.  

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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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UPDATE---  Just received email from ETSY that they have fixed my listings -- They were restricted in error by their automated system and have been unrestricted. 


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Re: Traffic being driven away from shop

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Yep still have it today (Sunday).  I don't use the app.  I prefer desktop so I'm afraid I will lose out on this one.  I have tried cleaning and rebooting so no go.  Bummer.

I hear Etsy thinks it is on the buyer end.  Uh no and really the programmers need to be more careful.

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