Hey all! I have been adding many listings today but for some reason when I adjust the thumbnails it doesn't save it when I publish it on like 75% of the listings. I have to go back in and re-do it, and even then some of them I have to re-do multiple times for it to finally save the new thumbnail. It's really slowing me down getting these listings up and published. Anyone else experience this or have any tips? Thanks ya'll!
I've just posted some listings. Mine saves on the third try. It has been like that for a long time. I got use to it.
I've just posted some listings. Mine saves on the third try. It has been like that for a long time. I got use to it.
Thank you so much for the info. I'll just keep adjusting lol.
Same here, it's very annoying.
I use Edge browser. I just did three listings with no thumbnail issues.
@EarSugarHandmade Your photos are not square which is what Etsy works best with. That is probably why the thumbnail is not working well. It has no way to focus on the part you want to focus on. The focal point is different in vertical photos than in square.
Base on responses I tried and have had 100% success selecting one of their standard crop sizes versus my own original. then the thumbnail is generated exactly as I positioned it.
I am using the Chrome browser, but your suggestion to crop to square first resolved the issue for me. Thanks for the tip.
Yes, it's glitchy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It shouldn't matter if the photos are square... the point of the tool is to square crop the first photo the way you like. And it does work sometimes so something is wrong with the tool. I usually photograph my items with the subject centered so they don't need to be cropped other than to zoomed in a bit and it's frustrating that I have to go back and edit several times to get the crop to stick.
Ugh it seems to be getting worse!
still a mess, not saving not even in my dashboard
I give it a try and if it doesn't save I publish then go back in edit mode and it generally works. Easiest is pre crop or center your photo so you don't need to mess with the glitchy tool. The most annoying thing is it DID work great for a year or 2 and then they changed something and it has been a PITA ever since.
I am loosing a lot of time with saving and re-saving my new listings. Is it really technically impossible to fix this bug for new listing form? With the old form I never have had such problems.
Same here. It sometimes takes an hour to get these thumbnails right. That also counts for changing the featured items in my shop. It must be a technical issue.
Etsy is spending loads of money time and people on completely irrelevant things. Please fix your technical issues first.
same I have been having this for weeks. this and other issues with not being able to update the category taxonomy kept me using the old form right up until they forced us to use the new one.
I tell you technical for saving just thumbnail and zoom save wait 1-3m refresh and they will zoom click list and zoom out and in to same position and save they will change but it wired apps is change thumbnail but You find list on safari not your shop it photo not change just app and browser can see photo change
You need to use commas and fullstops. English is my second language and I have no idea what you're trying to say.
It's ridiculous. Etsy, please either fix this bug or just eliminate the thumbnail cropping step altogether.
Soooooooo frustrating... and such a waste of time. Every listing I have to re-do, and re-do, and re-do. Stupid thumbnail won't save as cropped. And then sometimes it saves it cockeyed - and off to the side!!
I miss the old ways for listing things!! Never had a problem - EVER.
Plesee fix this Etsy!!!
Yes its very frustrating. Wasting so much time on it.
Please fix it.
looks like the OP is leaving Etsy, per her shop announcement.
I make certain that my photos are square but still have the same problem in holding the adjustment, but just yesterday, I was trying it for the 3rd time and decided to try using the crop feature along with the enlargement, cropping it very slightly, and it took. Lucky shot? I don't know.
Cropping to square works 100% of the time for me, it's the slider adjustment that won't work.
But unfortunately, using crop permanently removes that portion and when they click on it, they will not see the original, total photo, just the cropped version.
I do crop for one of our shops because we don't mind having it permanently cut off like that, but for the other 2 shops, we prefer to have the full photo visible if they click on it. That's where the trouble starts, with repeated tries with the slider over and over again.
But I have noticed recently that if I give up and come back in an hour or so, the adjustment has magically taken (not always, but frequently). So now I stop at 2 or 3 tries, give it some time and check on it. Aggravating, but not as much as doing half a dozen tries, which kinda feels like bashing your head against a brick wall.
It drives me nuts. I thought it was my internet speed or something but now I know I’m not the only one. Phew.
I've been having the same issue. The only thing working for me is to paste the photo into a square-ish Paint file, which just makes the whole point of the crop tool moot. It's utterly useless. And today a new problem started up: I couldn't type anything into the alt text box. I had to type the text up in a Google doc and then cut and paste it into Etsy.
How does such a big ecommerce website that's been around for years manage to be so difficult to use?
I found a way to make it work on all of my listings last week : When clicking " adjust thumbnail" I push the cursor to the maximum and click " done " ( but not " apply" )Then click again " adjust thumbnail " and adjust the picture like you want it to look like. Then click " done" and "apply ".
I have noticed that each click at each step should be made veeeery slooooowly and it worked for me. I hope it helps