I can't create new listings or make changes to my drafts; I can't save anything! Am i the only one?
@FloraEtLin: Are you trying to do this using an Etsy app (on which operating system) or via mobile browser or desktop browser (which browser and operating system)? It makes a difference as to possible causes and potential solutions, otherwise we have to guess. If via a browser, are you using the "old" or "new" listing form?
Im having this issue as well using computer Latest version of Safari. Its so frustrating not being able to Chat or contact anyone. Etsy Help is all financial and I dont want to go through 100 hoops just to get this glitch to clear
Hi! Via desktop browser with the new listing form.
I just listed a new item using the older version. for me that is much easier than this new version. it listed fine from my laptop.
I switched to the old version and it worked!
Finally it does not work even with the old version. Title never saves....
@FloraEtLin: We have noticed a intermittent serious time lag between publishing changes and the changes being visible in the wild.
I am having the same issues, category comes up and is in the wrong place and no ability to hit apply and simply unable to create listings at all due to this
@PrettyThingsatKaties Are you using the new listing form? If so, switch back to the old one. I have used the old one for every listing. It's more streamlined and easy.
Are you using the App? If so, switch to a mobile browser or desktop computer. I don't use the App, but from seeing other's posts, it is very glitchy.
Hope this helps you.
I am on a lap top, I don't know how to switch back ?
now nothing on site seems to be working just keepings saying technical issues, no idea how I am meant to list and sell anything on a site that isnt even functioning in the most basic ways
Customer service requests have technical issues, uploads have technical issues, whole thing is broken, just the forum working lol
Oh man, I'm sorry. The laptop is OK (you're not using the App to list). I'm using a desktop computer (Chrome, Windows 10). And I haven't listed today. There was an order a little while ago.
I have seen Threads where people were getting Error Codes. Let me look around.
@PrettyThingsatKaties Here is another Thread from today, with others having trouble. Geeze.
And another from one half hour ago.
Similar issue being discussed here.
I am having the same issue!