Inspiration Seeker

views and favorites not reflected in the shop

Hello - I receive plenty of views and favorites, and I receive notifications for them throughout the day, which I can track on my Etsy app on my phone. However, these views and favorites are not reflected in my Etsy shop on my PC; for example, it shows zero favorites. Today, I have a product inquiry, and it's clear the customer has clicked on the item in my shop, but it doesn't appear as a view in my shop when I check on my PC. Are others experiencing this, and is there anything I can do? Why am I getting all these favorites on the app but none in my shop statistics? Just wondering why - thank you for your time 

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Re: views and favorites not reflected in the shop

Hi, I checked my Stats for today (desktop computer, Chrome).  And for each listing, I see the number of Views.  I don't any Favs for today (I do have some from yesterday).

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Re: views and favorites not reflected in the shop

I brought up this issue to Etsy months ago - the stats for favorites do NOT match quite often between my Desktop and my Iphone.  Some times, it catches up and they match - many times though, I have to go through the recent activity of both to see what was actually marked as a favorite.
This is a feature I use daily, since I have coupons going out to peeps who favorite the shop or items.  I also use it to help plan sales.
When I brought this up to Etsy months ago, they said there was no issue and/or the issue was taken care of.  It wasn't and isn't.  Guess it's time to spend time doing multiple screen shots from phone and desktop to show them again.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: views and favorites not reflected in the shop

Thanks for sharing your experience - I found it mysterious that it doesn't match between the app and the PC shop. Unfortunately, my experience is that when I ask Etsy support about anything, I get an indifferent automated response rather than a personal, serious response. And there is obviously a wide range of automated responses that Etsy support can choose from

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Re: views and favorites not reflected in the shop

IF you haven't been receiving email notices on your computer be sure you have the etsy email addresses in your "address book". I was having the same problem and it helped but I don't get "Favorite" notices...I still have to check in "Recent Activity"...maybe it was overload to notify millions of '"Favorite" a minute!

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