Stats are a mess. Right now someone recently favorited an item I have listed. It shows in my recent activity on my dashboard but not in my shop manager on my listing page. It also does not show in my detailed stats. I can even see the favorite on their profile page so it's not something they favorited then deleted. IMHO there is no way right now to know how my shop is really doing as far as views and favorites go. I see people complaining about similar every day. Etsy's take: "it's a known problem, we're working on it" .... which usually means nothing will ever really be done about it. Glad I'm a hobby seller and it doesn't matter that much to me. But it does to a lot of sellers who rely on that data to make decisions. I only use a laptop not the cell app and which browser doesn't make a difference. smh
The Dashboard and Stats are not real time. They are hours behind each other. Although I look at my dashboard frequently, the only thing it really tells me is ... there is some activity today. If I want more serious data I look at stats for longer periods of time ... typically by month and year. Its been this way for as long as I've been on Etsy.
Sorry but this has been going on for WEEKS now and I've seen many other complaints about it here. I have looked at the long term detailed stats and it's the same issue! Numerous items not showing the views, etc. for weeks and weeks and weeks when I know from friends that they have looked at the items. I've even had sales! How can an item not show in the detailed stats for weeks and weeks and weeks when it sold? Etsy even told me it was a "known issue".
Also I have sold listings in my detailed stats that show zero revenue. Well, I got the deposits from those sales! It shows in my finances but NOT in stats. Tell me why an item I sold over 6 months ago doesn't show any revenue in stats? Some sold items don't even show at all in my stats. I can't even edit a reply here! I've been on Etsy off and on for many years and I've never seen so many glitches and issues.
Sorry but since Etsy won't let me edit my previous responses, I also wanted to add that those sold items that show no revenue also show as ZERO order! Tell me again it's not a mess. smh