Hi, I just updated quantity for my product from 1 to 6, but it does not show the "chose quantity" option for customer.
They can choose the quantity after the place the item in their cart
I noticed that too... what if they are looking for 5 copies of the same item and sees just 1 available? I think it's misleading
@SnowMuchJoy If you JUST did it, wait a while. Etsy is really slow and glitchy. After 19 years, you would think they would have it running smoothly by now. Some of your listings DO have the quantity window.
Yea, they are always "improving"
@SnowMuchJoy: In addition to a possible delay caused by caching, Etsy has in its wisdom decided to hide the quantity drop down on some listings based on the price (I believe that is $20 and up).
This is correct.
Items at 20.00 and above show the quantity only on the checkout page.
Asinine, ... yeah, ... definitely not making things easier for the consumer.
But why?
But why?
They have not disclosed the reason to us.
My theory, and it is just a theory, is that most items sold here are under 20.00.
And I see this not only here, but at craft shows I take part in. My under-20 items sell the most. People are much more likely to spend money if it's below that threshold.
So... it could be that Etsy doesn't want to show the above-20 price because they are afraid it'll scare off the buyer. They want buyers to put things in carts w/o looking at all the details, AKA helping with impulse purchases.
But once the buyer has it in their cart, they might be more likely to purchase it because at that point it's already almost theirs, psychologically speaking.
In other words, once in their carts, they might find it harder to resist hitting that BUY button.
No idea if that's actually what's going on here, but if I wanted to nudge someone towards buying stuff, I would do the same.
Sounds legit.
I had an item a few weeks ago that didn't show the quantity drop down menu at all. I know Etsy removed the quantity selector for items over the $20 price point. But this item was $6, so the selector should've been there. My customer was confused & so was I! I edited the product & republished, then viola, the quantity selector immediately showed up. But who knows how many other items may have been missing it. It is not obvious to customers that they can adjust qty in the cart.
Thanks for posting this. I was trying yesterday to add quantity. But when bring up the listing it had no drop bar for quantity either. I had no idea about the 20 dollar and up thing. Didn’t know that as a buyer either. When I needed more of one for something and there was no quantity bar I just scrolled on. Not a very smart thing on Etsys part. Not everyone knows you have to put it in the cart to add quantity.
I just did a little testing, looks like the turning point is EUR 17.95-17.96.
This is stupid
This is off topic, but your snowflakes are really cool!
Ha, thanks! (smiley face) If only sales would be that cool also... (LOL face)
idk how to put emojis here