I didn’t get any badges even though I have 100% in two categories. I don’t quite have the minimum dollar amount so I realize I wouldn’t get the full Star Seller badge but i should have received the ones for Reviews and Speedy Repiles.
You have to meet the minimum sales amount and number of sales before any badges are awarded. Not hitting the sales amount stopped you from getting the mini badges.
@CryzalisDesigns I just lost all my visible badges because I didn't meet the $$ amount required. I have all the other four metrics met.
If you don't meet both the order number and $$ amount requirement, any other badges you have qualified for do not appear. I would love it if the ones you had earned, showed without the full SSP star : (
Have you obtained the star seller in the past? I think the individual ones appear after you have reached star seller at least once in the past.
Maybe someone else can confirm this.
@CryzalisDesigns I just lost all my visible badges because I didn't meet the $$ amount required. I have all the other four metrics met.
If you don't meet both the order number and $$ amount requirement, any other badges you have qualified for do not appear. I would love it if the ones you had earned, showed without the full SSP star : (
well that is even worse @AnniebelloPaper so the only badges which do have anything to do with the quality of your product and your outstanding customer service are hidden? even though you obtained them?
Amount of orders and volume have nothing at all to do with your product or customer service, if they did, then no doubt Etsy would have a badge for them, which they don't
Amount of orders and volume have nothing at all to do with your product or customer service, if they did, then no doubt Etsy would have a badge for them, which they don't
they do, all 3 , plus star seller, depend on them for publication.
Yes, I have reached it in the past. This month, I have the qualifying number of orders but not the dollar amount.
@CraftyCornishMaids while an argument could be made for the number of orders being a factor that Etsy needs to measure consistently good customer service, the $$ amount has no value to buyers or sellers ... it's merely a metric to appease shareholders.
The very low $ amount to achieve star seller has no affect on share value, so shareholders wouldn't care
You have to meet the minimum sales amount and number of sales before any badges are awarded. Not hitting the sales amount stopped you from getting the mini badges.
I didn’t realize that. I thought the mini badges were a way to help sellers without the qualifying dollar amount. Guess I was wrong…
There are 5 qualifying areas:
Number of Sales
Sales Revenue
You have to qualify in all areas to get the badge.
How to Become a Star Seller – Etsy
You've got to make the dollar amount and minimum sales to get any of the badges, let alone Star Seller if you're eligible in all catergories. You could have 100% across the board but if you're a couple of dollars or orders short, you won't get it this period.
There is a hurdle, before you can get any badges shown.
you have to have at least 5 sales, AND at least $300 in sales, in the last 3 months
or no badges are shown, even if you have reached all three badge targets
once you have jumped that hurdle
etsy will show badges you have earned
and if you have all three of the badges, you also get the star seller
.... any percentage measurement on a low sample, is never reliable for a service level metric.
@CryzalisDesigns There is probably a qualifying income and number of sales to stop people having a friend or relative buy something cheap and leave a glowing review just so that the shop appears as a Star Seller.
People COULD still do it buy faking 5 sales and spending $300, but it does put a larger hurdle in the way.
did not think of that, but surely there is another way?
So thousands of sellers could be penalised for the handful buying their way into the badge system?
Just another flaw to an already flawed system, I wish they would just get rid off it.
Totally agree that sellers need to reply quickly to customers, dispatch quickly and receive positive reviews on the quality of their product and service and fully agree customers need to be able to see this before they decide to purchase from your shop but if a shop does not tick those 3 boxes fully then them buying their way into the star seller system is not going to work.
And hiding the fact that a shop has 2 or 3 badges seems rather petty, just because they play by the rules but do not achieve the numbered sales or $
I think star seller is only an issue if two shops have very similar versions of something the customer wants, then they might prefer to pick the star seller.
If you have something unique the customer will buy that from a non-star seller over something they don't want from a star seller.
"So thousands of sellers could be penalised for the handful buying their way into the badge system?" - Yes. It's the same reason we pay fees on postage, because a few dodgy sellers would list items for £1 and have £25 postage to save on fees. A few bad apples!