We are absolutely devastated to see that our Star Seller status is still revoked due to Etsy’s miscalculation of our on-time tracking and dispatch rate, which we reported 4th September.
Customer service stats is now showing as many as ’35 orders dispatched late’, even though we are not dispatching any of our orders late. The percentage of on-time dispatch and tracking still remains at 93%, when the correct figure is 96%.
We have consistently asked for assurances that we would not lose Star Seller status, and our shop would not have its visibility or exposure restricted, but such requests still remain unanswered. We have noticed our US sales have plummeted in the last few days which has had a devastating effect on our business, as US sales typically account for around 50% of our revenue.
We have worked tirelessly to ensure that we meet Etsy’s Star Seller standards, and have even sacrificed profit on our lower priced products in order to do this. Since being penalised, we have been under considerable distress with no reassurances from Etsy.
To this day, we still have no way of corresponding with Etsy support, with no responses coming through Etsy chat for the past month, and nobody responding to our e-mails or cases opened via the Etsy support page.
Please could Etsy look into this as soon as possible and reinstate our Star Seller status?

Re: Star Seller miscalculations

@PathosStudioUK I am here to help, as I believe are most others. But I cannot dispute the fact that, sometimes, some comments are inappropriate. Unless a Thread is in "Shop Critiques", comments should focus on the question asked. That is one of the Forum "Rules"

Having sald that, I also think it best to keep discussion positive or just refrain from comment.

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Re: Star Seller miscalculations


Changing our processing time is unfortunately not a solution, as this will negatively impact sales and reviews. One of the most loved aspects of our shop is how fast we get shipments to people's doors. We have maintained this processing time for 4 years without any hiccups.

If Etsy is using UTC to calculate the data, then this is still an error, as we are based in the UK which is only UTC for 6 months of the year. Etsy sets the processing time based on your local timezone, and then asks you to fulfil your orders within that same timezone. According to my order page, Etsy says I haven't dispatched any late orders. If the CSV data states otherwise then this is something that Etsy will need to fix.


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Re: Star Seller miscalculations

@PathosStudioUK How would a 1-3 day "Processing" timeframe affect Orders? Buyers would see the 1 day + delivery timeas the "earliest". But you would have 3 days to send and complete the Order. You can still ship same day. You are just protecting your SSP CSV Data.

No use arguing if using UTC is appropriate or not as this is "how it is" and we all have to manage our business according to the parameters of the Marketplace.

There is nothing for Etsy to "fix". But there is something you can "fix"

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Re: Star Seller miscalculations

In the UK we return to UTC on 27th October, so it will be interesting to see if all orders from this date will start showing as dispatched on time in the csv data.

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