Just off with tech support who could not help me.
I received a message marked spam back in April and mistakenly moved it out of Spam after 24 hours have passed. This one email has effected my Star Seller Status since May.
I received the following message after talking to tech support back on May 1. (REMOVED MOST OF MESSAGE)
Moving forward, messages marked as spam by Etsy will not impact your Star Seller eligibility. If Etsy has marked a message as spam that you subsequently move out of the folder, that also will not impact your Star Seller eligibility.
@ChrisedgeCrafts: Can't answer your very very good question, but you need to remove the response from Etsy before a moderator does as posting it violates forum rules per Community Policy.
Etsy generally does act retroactively, which means while future messages in the same vein will not be penalised, this one stays as is.
The good news is, that April entry has now dropped out of the calculation for the next month's badge.