I’ve been a Star Seller with Etsy for a while and am very prompt with my messages (I don’t have a ton - 8 messages since April 1). Now Etsy is showing my July Star Seller progress as a low 75% for message response rate. I contact support because I’m wondering how that’s possible - all my messages show responded within hours!
The support was able to help me downtown the message report and I found one message that was NEVER in my inbox so I never saw it. The only way I saw this message was by going to my “all” mail (including spam, sent, inbox). That’s issue #1.
The other issue is the simple math that support wouldn’t even help with. Regardless of this message not showing up in my inbox, that’s 1 message of 8. How does that equal 75%? 1 out of 8 would mean my message response rate was 87.5%. Support was, as always, extremely unhelpful, and would not do anything.
When making a system that directly impacts your partners businesses, you’d think there would be some assistance when there’s issues?
Very frustrated
@VintageRevivalTucson: As mentioned by @CappuccinoLace check the applicable CSV file from your Star Seller page to see which new thread(s) Etsy thinks you replied to late. Remember when you look at the file that it is in UTC (not your time zone), only includes the first message of a new incoming thread (all that counts for Star Seller), and a new thread is usually not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed.
Download the messages CSV and it will tell you how many messages it's counting.
For it to be 75% it would appear to be only counting 4.
@VintageRevivalTucson: As mentioned by @CappuccinoLace check the applicable CSV file from your Star Seller page to see which new thread(s) Etsy thinks you replied to late. Remember when you look at the file that it is in UTC (not your time zone), only includes the first message of a new incoming thread (all that counts for Star Seller), and a new thread is usually not included until after the 24 hour reply window has passed.
Doesn't it take 19 responses to counter attack 1 non-response to achieve 95%?
That's how it was when the program started.
mark the message as Spam, it should reset within 24 hours.
I have very similar issues with this. Last month for example, my message response rate was supposedly 94% and I had 98% on time shipping and a 4.8 rating average and yet I am not a star seller. I cannot believe how high my numbers are and that still does not qualify to be a star seller. It’s great you don’t get penalized if you’re not a star seller but honestly if you work this hard to get your numbers this hike you should be rewarded in someway for your hard work, not just simply not punished for not Qualifying. Why are we trying to be star sellers if it gets us nothing but a little badge? This just doesn’t seem to be worth the stress. This program is causing us. It’s very sad to have your number so high and be told you’re still not good enough to qualify . Very upsetting for me because I believe my message response rate was 98%. I believe I only missed one message and that in their mind was not good enough as a customer service standard? Someone really needs to rethink these numbers