This is detrimental to shops with huge numbers of listings, making it too hard to find anything. Customers are going elsewhere, most likely off site!
I'm only a small shop, but even I have noticed a definite drop in sales. Really disappointing.
Is it all to do with the new shop front? (titles and icons off to the left now) Why do you keep messing with our shop fronts?
It worked for me.
It is hard to narrow down because some people are posting success or failure without specifying what browser (and browser version) and which operating system they are using, but it appears to be mostly a mobile issue. We are not able to duplicate this problem on desktop using Firefox 102 on Windows 10, or Firefox 92, Chrome 94, and Brave 1.3 on Linux.
My Issue is both mobile and non mobile. Because of an Etsy Glitch Visitor751 can no longer add items to sections, products will need to be searched for in my Etsy search bar for best results "Blanket" "rug" "Towel", etc. Hopefully Etsy support will fix it for this to make shopping easier, organized, fast for Visitors here soon.
It's a mobile issue (not the App.)
It's happening on the iPhone and on Android on both Firefox and Chrome. I get the section drop down but when I press on a choice, nothing happens.
There are other unresolved issues on the mobile version of Etsy. I don't think it's a priority for them to fix anything there. I think they are trying to push people on to the app.
The problem is we need to be operational where our customers look for us.
Thanks for helping to narrow it down. I've never installed the app as it doesn't seem to work properly in the UK. Oh well, maybe one day!
Ps your shop is really lovely
Thank you @TheClassicAcorn .
Several of us have reported the extreme crop of About Section photos when viewed on the mobile version of Etsy so I'm used to the drill.
That problem us still not fixed. Hopefully you have more pull with your issue.
I find it very frustrating, all the bugs etsy seems to have. They need to fix this! I am not interested in the app. I am comfortable working on my shops if on my mobile with the non app method.
It's happening on the app too.
Because of an Etsy Glitch Visitor751 can no longer add items to sections, products will need to be searched for in my Etsy search bar for best results "Blanket" "rug" "Towel", etc. Hopefully Etsy support will fix it for this to make shopping easier, organized, fast for Visitors here soon.
Same problem for me using browser on iPad and iPhone. Noticed when shopping for supplies the past few days. Very annoying since the shops I was browsing have a large number of listings. Best solution for me was to copy paste the section title into the shops search tab.
Thanks again, all! This is a very knowledgeable community
@SmudgePlant I reported the photo cropping issue too... It's like trying to get water out of a stone with etsy, lol
Same! Firefox and Chrome/Mobile Android
This is their response (verbatim! ..grammar teachers look away!)
As of the moment our internal team is still looking and working into this matter, And as of now there was no time frame on it when it will resolved but we will make that we already working to improve this features on the website.
Lol. My faith in etsy as a company is fading.
I hate apps, they’re literally the worst way to browse or shop for anything, anywhere. Maybe it’s an age thing, but I can’t stand the little screen, and scrolling around to see a full page or photograph. It’s the bricks and mortar equivalent of locking the front door and making your customers climb in the downstairs window, and having one of your staff walk past customers holding up the sleeve or leg of one item at a time, while Betty in the stockroom says quietly “we don’t actually have any of these in your size”.
Please open the shop door, let us look properly! Yes, it’s an age thing, it’s no wonder there are so many shoppers getting frustrated.
Agree completely, and I get so many customers asking me about items they want which are in the shop, so I have to send them a link, which is really frustrating. I have a shop, go to the shop, I want to shout. Also the people with the most money to spend are middle aged and up. Etsy needs to cotton on to that!
I'm having this issue as well. So annoying to deal with. Why do they keep tinkering with things and leave all these errors?
I’ve reported it a few times.
I wish I had found this thread before clearing all of my history and cache for Safari, thinking it was a browser problem!🤦🏻
I’m on an iPhone. The desktop menu works though. I really hope they figure this out soon, I have a lot of items for a potential buyer to sift through without being able to jump to categories! Have noticed a sales slump this week, too. Fingers crossed!
Definitely only a problem on mobile, worked fine on my laptop this morning in Safari. I’m going to put a note in my shop announcement that folks can use the shop search bar to find section item results until this issue is fixed. Hopefully they’ll use the shop search bar and not the site search bar!
That’s a great idea, thanks for sharing!
@TheClassicAcorn Sections are now working, just had email to say they have fixed the issue, I checked on my device and its working again.
I just randomly checked now and it’s working for me, too!
Phew ☺️