Hopefully someone has had this problem before and knows the fix, fingers crossed. My Shop Manager Menu on the left side of my page is not closing. Usually, after you click on something like “listings” or “orders” the menu disappears. But now my menu stays open no matter what I click on blocking part of a page. I have tried clearing the cache, cookies, signing off and back in, closing the window. Shutting down the IPad and restarting and using another browser. There are no issues with any other websites I open other than Etsy. I tried going to the Help Desk about this but well……no help.
Using a browser, my menu never disappeared after clicking on any of the options. I can collapse it by clicking on the << arrows across from the ''Shop Manager'' heading.
@TheVintagePineapple Thank you so much for that solution! I get it on my front page when I hit Edit. I'm on a desktop so it isn't just on laptops and such. Really annoying!
I am having the same issue on my tablet but on my desktop it works fine.
I've been dealing with this for over 2 hours, until now nobody else said they were having this problem so figured it was just me. Have tried everything to no avail.
I have 2 mini 5 ipads. 16.5 version is good. But 18.3.1 version sucks. I can't tell what I am doing because the shop manager overlays everything...it infringes on the left side of pages so, i.e., I can't click "see more" on the dashboard page; and I can't click "completed orders" on the order page bec the shop manager covers the option up. Frustrating.
I’m having the same issue with my iPads . I can’t close it , It’s covering everything. Ugh!
Ditto but I just found a work-around. If you have Apple mini ipad or similar I clicked on the Safari "book" symbol on the extreme upper left on the same line as the URL. This brings you to where you find history, book marks, etc. By leaving this sidebar open when viewing my etsy page, it shrinks the etsy page down so I can see what I am doing without the shop manager being in the way.
Not ideal, and I have versin 18.3.1....however in my other, older, mini 5 with version 16.5 there is not a problem. FWIT. And I don't use the etsy app, I use the desktop browser
This has yet to fix itself, it appears to only affect users of tablets and ipads as there is no issue with my PC view. The chat function is not working either but that's been and ongoing issue. Doesn't look like it's widespread as there are just a few of us complaining it seems.
I have done everything I can to try and get rid of the shop manager on the left, the issue, for me anyway, is there are no double arrows to collapse the shop manager like on the PC. I don't recall if they were there before because as soon as you clicked on the page under it the shop manager collapsed automatically. This is not happening, the X in the corner does nothing,clicking a category from the manager opens that function but you can't do anything because it covers the whole left of the screen,obviously since we work from left to right this means I can do nothing.
So, Etsy, I can't, edit or add anything to my shop, you lose money and I lose money but more importantly I do. We know Etsy doesn't monitor these forums, it's peer to peer help, but nobody has a solution!
By the way, it seems to be only affecting the browser function rather than the app, I don't use the app, I only work from the internet. Please, I don't need anyone telling me how great the app is (it's not) nor should I be forced to change the way I conduct business in my own shop, even though it seems that increasingly that's what Etsy is doing to all of us.
The app is not beneficial to me either. I use two iPads, I don’t have a PC, nor am I in a position to purchase one to run my business. This is so frustrating! I can’t see my listings, I was hoping that today it would be gone fixed something… I had the same issue with the new app. So apparently it’s not on our end?
It may be an Apple issue because I do not have a problem with my 16.5 version mini 5 (which I don't update) but I do with my 18.3.1/whatever mini 5 that I just updated. Just sayin'. And this is why I hate updates.
I've also got this happening, I've tried everything to make it disappear
Same problem. Very frustrating and annoying. Sort it out Etsy!
Same for me. On an IPad. I usually use Crome but went to safari and was able to click on desk top version and it works there. Also I still can’t do listings without copping an old listing and using it as my format and changing everything.
Bumping this up, these few people here can't be the only one's having this problem.
Help ticket submitted, 1-2 days my a$$, I will be lucky if I hear that they have "escalated this issue to our team" which is Etsy speak for " you're out of luck" like I ever had any. I can't say that I have ever been a huge fan of this site, tolerable is how I would describe the relationship but lately it's starting to turn into that partner you're not too sure about, maybe you can do better? I don't know. Making it hard to conduct business and it seems there are a bunch of different bugs out there if what I'm seeing is true, many issues with editing photos, listing and screen freezes or core details not allowing to be filled in, a continuing problem I have. The great "fix" was to renew a sold listing and edit the details, sure that works but is that really a fix? How about the shop just run as we expect it to and not have to constantly ask wtf is going on? Screaming at the wind I guess.
Ok this seems to be a thing. Me too. Only on tablet so far. My tablet has always run etsy slightly wonky compared to other computing devices but yeah this one makes it only nominally functional!
I have the same problem. I’ve tried closing the browser, using a different browser and restarting my iPad. It’s been happening for a couple of days. If I turn my iPad to Portrait mode the problem disappears, but it’s not ideal. I prefer using the web version to add listings, rather than the Etsy app. I’d love to know how to solve this, too!
Just been in after a few days away and have the same issue on IPad. But only in Chrome. Safari works fine and it looks like they have updated the sidebar so you can minimise it sideways - an option that I can’t see in chrome but can in safari.
Yet another experiment in the live environment that they should have sorted in testing.
Is it possible that the age of the device has something to do with it or is it happening with all manner and age? Agreed, the app is not easy to work with and takes 2x as long to list an item or to edit. I have an android tablet that runs on squirrel power and wondering if that has anything to do with it, however, it updates regularly and like everyone else I have tried the usual procedures touted as the way to fix. The thing that bothers me, though it's just one more thing this platform does that galls me, is their silence on the matter. Two days without an answer from my help ticket request, sadly I expected no less. Really says something.
Same thing happening here. Etsy should focus on correcting the issues instead of always changing things that don’t need fixed….like incorrect shipping address being entered!
I have also been dealing with this same problem since Tuesday. Desktop is okay but my tablet has the issue.
I think they have been messing with shop manager navigation menu a bit the past few weeks. I have noticed random small things like font and font size, where the expand/collapse arrows are etc. One day the nav menu stayed collapsed no matter what I did. Mine seems to be a little different every couple of days on desktop. Maybe they 'broke' something when changing some tiny thing that didn't need changing. It seems to be the way that works around here.
I have submitted a ticket as well. I also tried switching to a different browser. I was on Chrome and tried Firefox. The issue is still there. Unfortunately android tablets can't use Safari as that is for apple products.
They sent me a message at 2am saying that it was no longer an issue, ummm, no, still not working asked for a screenshot which I sent. I noticed if I take the tablet off panorama and put it portrait mode it goes away but of course then you lose the right side of the screen as well. The app is a joke to edit and add listings.Why can't I just do it the way I want to without them effing with things?
@WirewrapJewelryArt I have a Samsung tablet, admittedly old but it does updates whenever one is available, I don't think it has to do with the tablet, it has to do with etsy