When a customer adds one item or multiple items in their shopping cart, Etsy doesn’t figure in the correct amount for their shipping. It’s either over or under. So I have to either credit the customer or lose out when it’s under
You need to check your shipping profiles that are attached to these listings, because etsy is charging based off the profiles you created.
I went to the listing itself and verified the amount shown in the listing.
@TheBrownPear Etsy does not charge the shipping cost, you do.
They gave them an amount to pay than what the listed item showed.
hi there. edit your shipping profiles so that "additional items" are not being charged the full amount for shipping. https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/TheBrownPear/tools/shipping-profiles
I’ve been doing this 12 years and it happened 6 times this month. Never before. I have playing cards under 1 profile and they got added wrong in their cart.
Each shop sets their own shipping profiles. Go to "Shop Manager" at the top right hand corner of your main shop screen. Then, go to "Settings" and then "Delivery Settings" to alter your shipping profiles.