I have fixed shipping prices on all my items. I WILL NOT USE CALCULATED shipping because most of my items are under 3 oz. However, in the last month, six buyers shipping amounts in their cart were calculated incorrectly. They were either under or over, so that left the buyer, or me paying more.
What shipping method did you use vs what they buyers paid for?
I used first class $1.25 first item and .30 additional. So, they should’ve been charged $3.05 for 6 listings and were charged $6.30 total
@TheBrownPear you need to check your shipping profiles and make sure all information is correct and updated to what you wanting to charge. The buyer is paying shipping based off what profiles you are using.
@TheBrownPear you need to check your shipping profiles.
@TheBrownPear it's obvious you have more than 1 shipping profile. You need to double check that.
Tulip cards/rabbit cards/floral playing cards
1.25 + 0.30
easter cards (sets of 4 or 5)/easter book pages
4.50 + 0.35
If I buy 1x tulip card and 1x easter cards (set of 4) I'm charged 4.50 + 0.30 = 4.80
If I buy 3x tulip cards, and 2x easter cards (set of 4), I'm charged 4.50 + 0.35 + 0.30 + 0.30 + 0.30 = 5.75
To be charged 6.30 shipping it would be 4.50 + 0.30 + 0.30 + 0.30 + 0.30 + 0.30 + 0.30.