I created a new listing on Etsy yesterday and it said I needed to enter a shipping weight. When I went to do that, there was not a place to enter anything, pounds or ounces. I have shipping profiles set up with postal weights and domestic and international shipping methods. I tried to edit the shipping profile and I got a message saying I needed to add at least one domestic shipping method. When I clicked on the edit icon, it doesn't give me any shipping options and still shows I need to add a shipping method. This is only on shipping profiles with calculated shipping.
Is anyone else having this issue?
I've had the same problem for over 2 weeks. Have contacted support twice with NO help at all. I cleared my cache, deleted history, tried listing both on the new and old listing forms, tried to list on my phone, my tablet and on a different browser. Doesn't matter............the item weight and package dimensions are missing on all!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm about ready to go to eBay!!!!!!!!!!!!
I posted a screen shot on Flickr to show what comes up when I try to create a shipping profile. Bet this is what you are seeing too .
I posted a screen shot on Flickr to show what comes up when I try to create a shipping profile. Bet this is what you are seeing too .
I'm having the same problem as you all are explaining. I'm unable to set up calculated shipping in any new listings . This happening in just one of my shops. I have two. I've been selling on Etsy since 2006, so not a newbie at this. In late 2023 and Jan 2024, I was able to set up calculated shipping in both shops with no problems. I really only need it for one, where I sell fabric. Now in my fabric shop, if I try to set up a shipping profile, all I am given is the option of "fixed or free" for the shipping amount. I am not given the option of "calculate it for me". Furthermore, If I attempt to modify or even look at an existing calculated shipping profile that I created successfully at the beginning of the year, a big red error box appears stating "You need at least one domestic shipping service!" but there is no way to select any. Have been at this for 2 days. Finally figured out that my fabric shop is simply not being given the ability of calculated shipping on any new listings. Must be a bug/technical issue on Etsy's end or else I am a complete nincompoop.
your not a nincompoop Janine, it has to be some little glitch, keep reaching out to Etsy until you find it and best of luck
Having the exact same issue here in my vintage shop. It started yesterday out of the blue on April 19th, 2024 and is still going today. Nothing I am doing is working. I reach out twice with Etsy chat and phone but they both said they were escalating it to the tech team but haven't heard back yet. I can't list anything new without offer a free or fixed shipping rate which doesn't work for vintage shops.
This is now happening to me - I updated my processing times when I was out of town.
I am no longer able to used calculated shipping.
Free or fixed are my only choices - the glitch continues
Same problem for me !
Impossible to use calculated shipping...only free or fixed.
It's the first time since I open my shop some years ago
@iheartmies @IsaBouCreation What glitch are you talking about? Are you looking for Etsy calculate it for me which is only one part of calculated shipping? To use calculated shipping properly, a calculated shipping profile should be created. Along wit6h that package preferences and other information should be filled in under Settings.
To find Etsy calculate it for me. Click on profiles. In upper right hand corner click create new. That will open a box for Etsy calculate it for me.
It is much easier to create a calculated shipping profile.
@JDTotesnDolls @IsaBouCreation The option to create a calculated shipping profile was no longer available to me.
I was only given the option for free or fixed fee profile which is the same issue the others are discussing in this thread.
I have two shops - no problems with the other shops calculated shipping ability
@LynnsLittleShop on another thread said Etsy chat will need to reset or add the country of origin on their end to resolve.
It took about 30 min yesterday with Etsy chat but they reset or added my country of origin to the US (where I have always resided) and it fixed the problem immediately!
I've been having this issue for a couple weeks. Spent hours waiting with chat specialist last weekend. They said they'd escalate it when their people couldn't figure it out. I haven't heard anything back. Still ongoing problem. I try to re-contact chat through support and it just brings up my previous conversation and no one will attend the chat. Wonder if they guy left the chat open and therefore it's inactionable and a new one can't be started.
I tried creating a new shipping profile with just a different name and I still have the issue. Argh.
same here and re-contact chat impossible !
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