After years of buying Royal Mail postage via Etsy, its now (1 Nov 24) stopped printing the following:
- No longer prints the 'Etsy' logo
- Now prints the postage cost on the label
- But most importantly ... has STOPPED printing the return address
Anyone else having the same issue? I've contacted Etsy twice and got no help
Hi folks, I posted an update on the missing return address here. This issue is now resolved. Thank you for your reports and additional details!
Yup its also changed to click and collect on the labels too, so not sure if thats to do with it
Mine too, I used to have Click and collect as an integration (just incase) but have even disconnected that and its still the same
Odd. I'm in the UK. All my RM labels going back this month and earlier have (always had & still do, including ones printed today) the Etsy logo plus return address plus price paid on them. Both domestic and international. I just have the default labels - and 6x4. Maybe a test/slow rollout?
No mention of C&D either, which I have integrated but don't use for certain labels - mostly IOSS or other international standard orders, with some occasional domestic ones too. But I've checked back & nothing has changed for me.
I’m exactly the same as you, it’s not just me - thought I was going mad! I also put a post on last night but no one has replied as yet. It just seemed to be from Saturday, mine also aren’t lining up just right, - missing a border in the right. As a quick fix I’ve made up some return address stickers and sticking them in the back of the envelope as well. It’s sort of worrying as I’m sending quite a lot out at the moment. Let see what happens in the next few days ….. x
Thank gosh I'm not the only one! I've spent ages trying to see if I've changed something but nothing ... please Etsy fix this x
Same here, I've been adding a return address manually with a stamp, but it's still a pain. Royal mails own click and drop labels always include the return address, so hopefully they'll fix it.
I bought and printed one this morning
I still have
prepaid and printed by Etsy
return address, although it's reduced to my name, house name, and postcode
I have always had the postage cost on the label, and still do
nothing about click and drop
Just printed labels I've still got no Etsy on label or return address
Me neither, no change for the last 3 days - what a pain!
Nor me ... so frustrating! and at this time of year too
After yesterday saying my labels haven't changed, I spot they now have this morning. Looks like a permanent thing and rolling out slowly.
It was an international order, so whilst the return address wasn't on the label (which was exactly as described by the OP), it was at least on the new CN22 form.
Apart from the missing address, they also need to sort the formatting/spacing. It's right up and over the edge of 6x4 labels, even when "print to fit paper". Have to use a custom % size and it looks ugly & faint on thermal labels.
I noticed the same this morning, so hopped on this forum to see if anyone else had the same issue.
I took a photo of yesterdays label compared to todays.
I am unsure if this is a Royal Mail change or an Etsy change?
Not sure myself.
Amazon recently did a change and in the same way, sometimes you got the old format and sometimes the new until now, where it's all the new format.
But they are a different layout/design to anywhere else (inc. C&D) and look awful IMHO. The address formatting is terrible, but at least it fixed the issue (mostly) with their previous design cutting off long addresses (which you can't edit on Amazon - and some items (letters) have to go via postage bought on Amazon).
These new Etsy ones look more similar to C&D ones.
Is there a way we can collectively raise it with Etsy?
I hate that it has Etsy on the label anyway so that is a good move, I remove it from the label each time I print one. But I wouldn't like it if there is no return address.
@FruteJuce I agree about the name Etsy being on the label (Ebay labels also have the name on them). Makes them a target for thieves, IMO.
Noy having a return address is a problem though.
I have just had a chat with my lovely RM postie, and he is going to see if it is a Royal Mail change and 'report back'
it's not a royal mail change,
as I still get everything on etsy, amazon, and royal mail click and drop
it appears to be affecting some UK sellers on etsy only
I have the same issue: no return address, etsy logo and price.
I am adding stickers with my return address.. just in case.
They were fine yesterday and labels printed directly from the Royal Mail website are good too
Me tooooo 3 labels just done grrrrr via Etsy labels
Etsy's royal mail labels seem to have changed in the last day and no longer include the return name/address or the Etsy logo at the bottom of the label. Are Etsy aware of this and can they be changed back please?
Several sellers have reported this. I assume at least some would have reported the issue directly to Etsy
I just came here to report the same issue! I've never really liked having my return address visible on the label for everyone to see and wished it could be incorporated into a QR code or hidden somewhere else instead, but I really don't like it not being there AT ALL. I'm hoping it's just a temporary thing which will soon be fixed...
You need your address and e-mail address in sellers details, on you main shop page,
for everyone to see
it is a legal requirement selling from the UK.
You can use royal mail click and drop, they still have ir