After years of buying Royal Mail postage via Etsy, its now (1 Nov 24) stopped printing the following:

- No longer prints the 'Etsy' logo

- Now prints the postage cost on the label

- But most importantly ... has STOPPED  printing the return address

Anyone else having the same issue?  I've contacted Etsy twice and got no help

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I am experiencing the same problem since Monday.  Return address and Etsy logo missing,  as well as the change of label layout. Hopefully it is only a temporary glitch.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Has anyone found a way to sort this please ?  I've just tried to print the labels and the name and address is missing a portion on the left. I've tried adjusting margins etc and nothings working - I'm now going to have to fill the missing bits of the address by hand.  Why do etsy have to keep fiddling with things !!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Hiya, I had the same problems too with missing bits on the left side - I've found that changing the default on the printer settings from 4" x 6" to 4" x 6.50" it then prints everything out so that nothing is missing.

Hope this helps


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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I am getting the new labels too. Unfortunately the default size is too big for the boxes I use. So I have to save the label as a PDF and adjust the size to 90% before printing. Then I have to print a separate sticker with my address on. Packaging orders now takes longer. Is there any peace?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Hiya, just replied above but thought to let you know too, as its so frustrating - 

Hiya, I had the same problems too with missing bits on the left side - I've found that changing the default on the printer settings from 4" x 6" to 4" x 6.50" it then prints everything out so that nothing is missing.

Hope this helps

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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The problem isn't so much the printer settings, it's the PDF Etsy generates.

The RM C&D labels have a bounding box and a nice white margin.

Etsy labels go right up to the edge of the PDF. No margin, no box. So even if you print it smaller so it doesn't try to print right up to the edge - and the text is right up to the edge - it still looks bad.

And I say that as someone who prints for a living, so I know how to adjust settings to make it all fit. It's hardly a huge deal (return address missing, yes), but it is annoying. At least for the moment. I guess we'll just get used to it if they don't change it.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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@BoadiceaWitchesThanks for the suggestion. I'll have a play around with a few things and see if it helps.

@NeilBarrPhotography  I haven't had the problem with the label printing right up to the edge. Mine are printing with space around the actual label. But I discovered yesterday that international postage and CN22 labels are on 2 separate pages. So if I want to print them on 1 sheet I have to print the first page onto a label sheet, turn the printed sheet around at put it back in the printer and THEN print the CN22 label. I really hope this is just a glitch.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Me too.

My labels were 'old' format yesterday and this 'new' format today.

Really concerned about the return address not on there but wonder can Royal Mail get it from the QR code anyway so will know to return to me?

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I noticed this today. I had an order to Australia where there is a new style CN22 label but my full name and address printed at the top, however an order going to the UK only had the buyer's address and was missing my details so I had to handwrite it on the back- very annoying and not what I want to be doing in the run up to Christmas.

I invested in a label printer specifically so I could buy Etsy labels and save time.

Please Etsy, get this bug fixed ASAP ! X 

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Can you pre-print out some temp labels with just your return address? I had some old ones that I stopped using. Had to just use one.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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A bigger problem I'm currently having with labels is any address with a / in it - such as apt/flat number. Comes out as / and I have to then edit the PDF.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Can you adjust the size of Etsy labels to fit A6 printable labels? I'm a neat freak so the edges not lining up are giving me stress!  I've had a look at can't see how but maybe I'm missing the obvious? Help ...!

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I'm on a Mac so it may be different if you're on a PC.

If you choose Fit, Fit to paper or size (say) 95% it at least doesn't cut anything off. But the margins (left & top) can be an issue unless you start fiddling around with that.

I use more Amazon and C&D labels (that print fine with default settings) than Etsy labels, so I'm not spending time on it.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Identical problem here this week with no etsy logo, no return address and larger , uglier looking label.  Got excited that it may be in anticipation of Tracked services being added to Etsy RM labels.. but no,  just an unexplained inconvenience at this stage so.. thats standard I guess ! 

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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My CN22s also have the incorrect values on for multiples (multiplying value and weight by quantity squared instead of quantity) which vastly overstates the customs values - I've reported that via a separate thread as it's potentially a significant issue for buyers but thought it would be worth mentioning here as you can only spot it after you've purchased the label so it's an expensive bug for sellers too.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I've noticed that too, the last day or so  I had 2 x items at £8.95 and was coming up at £35.80?? As you say, very confusing and needs sorting out asap! Glad you've raised it x

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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OMG! I hadn't noticed that. Thanks for mentioning it. I will keep an eye open for it now.

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Glad it’s not just me! And the labels look horrid now too. I really hope they fix this and soon!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Same, no return address is very frustrating and annoying to just change it 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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I noticed the same a few days ago. Tried an Etsy chat to no avail! However there is now the option for tracked 24/48 woohoo! Hoping it’s just a bug and will be fixed quick sharp

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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24/48 tracked is great news

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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24/48 has now totally made up for the disruption on the labels themselves. Amazing if not a few years overdue 

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Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Any update on this? I wish we had some sort of official communication about it. I've got better things to do than stress about the labels at this time of year. 

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Community Manager

Re: Royal Mail Shipping Labels - Not printing return address anymore!!

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Hi folks, I posted an update on the missing return address here. This issue is now resolved. Thank you for your reports and additional details! 

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