I thought that I could edit a response to a review I received and then re add the response. Is there a waiting period when I would be able to respond again to the client
Ouch! Thank you!
Just adding a link to the Help Center page with more information for future reference.
"How do I respond publicly to a review? If you’re unable to work out a solution with the buyer privately, you may want to respond to a review publicly. You have 100 days to respond from the date the buyer last edited their review.
Your response will be public and viewable by other shoppers in the Reviews section of listing pages and on your Shop Reviews page. You can only respond to each review once.
Choose your wording carefully. Although you can delete your response at any time, you can’t edit it or leave another response.
Once you respond to a review the buyer will no longer be able to edit their original review or rating, even if you delete your response. Buyers can’t leave a response to your response."
This was a very positive response to a beautiful review. Too bad it couldn't be just edited. Thanks for assisting with a response. Appreciate