(This may be true for all Refunds, don't know). Mine is re: Partial Shipping Refunds, as of Sept. 8.
When you "Preview Refund", the page hangs up, goes blank. You may think the Refund didn't go thru. DO NOT issue it again. First, check the Invoice. In my case, when the page hung up, I Redisplayed Page (F5). Checked the Invoice, and the Refund did go thru. This did not start happening until Sept. 8. *(desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10)
Hope this helps someone.
I noticed this as well today. I cleared the page and went back to sales and it showed partial refund. But prior I had no idea if it went thru. Just a spinning circle.
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for the heads up!
It doesn't seem like it would (should) even be possible to refund more than once but.....
I was ready to do it again. Then I said, "Hold it", and looked at the Invoice. I really didn't think it went thru prior to that.
Oh absolutely - trust your gut because you know Etsy isn't just going to voluntarily give you that double refund back out of the goodness of their hearts. Ha!
Maybe it is is Windows thing.. Not having that issue with my Apple products.. no matter the bowser ( safari or duckduckgo).
Could very well be. Windows did an Update the other night.
I have a MAC and all Apple products and I am experiencing this issue, unfortunately!
@BeadClearanceDepot Hi, this is continuing to happen for me. After hitting "Review Refund", it hangs up (white page). I wait a few seconds and hit F5, and I see that the Refund (Partial Ship.) did indeed go through. Now I think it's more of an Etsy glitch, rather than device related.
I had exactly this same thing happen several days ago and as I was about do try the partial refund again I noticed the "already refunded" amount there.
I hope Etsy is aware of this, and that it's fixed soon. Because yesterday it happened again (same computer, browser, etc.). It was never a problem (for me anyway), until Sept. 8.
@ChillwolfArt I went back and looked, mine happened on Sept 5th
UPDATE: Still going on. I issued a Partial Refund, during "Review Refund", the page hung up (white with a ghosted grey thingy in the middle). After about 30 seconds, I Refreshed Page (F5), and it showed that the Refund did indeed go through. *(same desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10)
Same thing here, still happening. I check under "Shop Manager-Finances-Payment Account". It shows up there immediately so I don't have to second guess it.
This has been happening to me too- the page stalls out after issuing refunds. I thought it was just a problem with my browser but it sounds like yet another Etsy glitch.
This is still not fixed so be vigilant when issuing refunds.
Happened to me a couple of times this week. I kept the blank window open then opened another window to check the order. That's when I saw the refund went through. When I clicked on the first window again, it was still blank and loading. (windows 10 desktop, chrome)
Happened to me yesterday, hit review then page goes white with a spinning circle. Closed window and looked at invoice and refunded, has been happening for a couple of weeks for me on both shops. I think it is an Etsy glitch.
Same here last week with a shipping overage refund.
On an iMac using Safari.
Another odd thing -- most of the refund happened that day. But the refund on offsite ad happened two days later.
With these glitches it always concerns me if the customer is actually receiving the refund -- or not.
It seems like double checking with the customer would be a bit awkward. I mean -- what would you say?
@2numerous Personally, I wouldn't check with the Customer, but I don't want to tell you what you should do. Yesterday, I did a Partial Refund, and again, when selecting "Review Refund", the page hung up. I then hit F5 (Refresh), and the Refund showed in red (it did go through; it was also in my Payment Acct).
It also showed the Refund when I selected the 3 dots on the Orders Page. I always print 2 copies of the Invoice (one for me and one for my Customer). It showed the Refunded amount there as well. I don't know why this glitch is going on for so long. How difficult can it be to fix something like this (rhetorical Q). Geeze.
As I said in the OP, I've never had this issue until Sept. 8 *(same desktop computer, Chrome, Windows 10).
I use a Mac & Safari, still happening as of 10/16
I have noticed this too. This is where I came to realize they were claiming my cc needed updated. I do shipping refunds . I am transparent about my shipping method and cost. For example, for a heavy item that can cost twice as much on either side of the country, as opposed to in the middle ( which I highly prefer), I will charge the most it might cost. ( Like I'm shipping to CA...) If I ship 2 states over, I am likely to be able to refund a good bit of that cost. I do the refund and it is greyed out and spinning - it looks like it hasn't worked... I checked my finance page and there I see it has gone through, BUT, I get a flag that my cc needs updated. I go through and update because I am familiar with this glitch that Etsy hasn't fixed in a long while. I say Etsy fix what is broken before you change the dot colors!
@HollysCollageCorner "I checked my finance page and there I see it has gone through, BUT, I get a flag that my cc needs updated."
I don't get a flag about my credit card. Does this happen every time you do a Partial Shipping Refund?
And I agree, fix the glitches which have been going on (for me, since Sept. 8). You would think that would take priority over moving the Description from the Right Column to the Left, then move it back to the Right again. But I just rent space here.
@ChillwolfArt Yes, it happens whenever I go to my payment page. I don't care to try to get someone from Etsy to notify them because the AI runaround makes me livid. It's not really in need of updating so I haven't had any repercussions . Yes they need humans to assist with issues.