Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

I bought a few things 2 or 3 hours ago but I've been trying to buy MORE for the last almost 2 hours now. When I put stuff in my cart, the number of items in the cart increases (in the upper corner of my screen), but the cart never loads! And I can't get to my cart by clicking on the cart icon in the corner. I have started favoriting these things because there are quite a few of them (image files) so I can go back and buy them individually if the cart stays broken. I didn't see any other recent reports of the cart messing up. 

I'm going to clear my cookies and try a different browser ... but really, I shouldn't have to jump thru hoops to spend money here! 

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15 Replies

Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Cleared my cookies, then tried Edge ... which didn't work either, then I went back to Chrome which still isn't working. 

Win 10 / latest version of each browser. 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Hi, I've been looking at recent Threads, to see if others are reporting issues with the Shopping Cart. Here is a Thread from last month; the problem isn't exactly like yours. The last poster was telling the person above to contact Chat. But you're right, it's frustrating, and you shouldn't have to jump through hoops to make a purchase.


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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Thanks @ChillwolfArt!

I can only imagine how frustrated non-seller shoppers would be. They probably would have given up trying to complete their purchase!

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

@PrairiePrimitives - I tried with one item...worked fine clear up to final payment. Added a second go. The checkout button became greyed out and it only shows the cost for the first item. So yep, it seems something is goofy when you try to buy multiple items at once. 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Thanks @timelapse!

It didn't occur to me that it could be due to multiple items or, in my case, multiple shops. Starting about 90 minutes ago, I went thru the items I'd thought to save in my favorites and bought 4 of them, one at a time.

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

I’ve just had a customer report a similar problem.  Very annoying as it’s a big order. 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

@KraftyBobDesigns UGH! I figured if it was affecting me, it might be affecting others. And non-seller shoppers might not have the patience or knowledge to find a work-around like I did. If they haven't purchased yet, suggest that they buy each item direct from the page rather than trying to put anything in their cart. If the customer is paying shipping you can refund overpaid shipping. 

@Etsy - I hope this gets fixed SOON! I think it has the potential to be as big as the payment processing meltdown from 7 or 8 years ago (which also happened about this time of year!). 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

This is my 2nd day of not being able to access my shopping cart. I want to make a couple purchases, but I can't. I get the message, "something has gone awry.. try later" I have signed out & back in Etsy, cleared my history, signed out & back in on my laptop; but nothing helps. I am using edge.

Please fix this at least 2 or more of the Items I want are/were on sale for a limited time.

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

I posted the OP a week ago, and still can't access my Etsy cart. SMH.

Today, I'm getting the "A stitch has gone awry" message.

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

I had this problem in Chrome today. I talked with support, logged out and back in, restarted my computer, cleared my cache all to no avail. I cleared my cache a second time and that did the trick, it's working now. Good luck to everyone, very annoying bug!

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Glad you found a solution! My experience has been when I clear the cache, I lose my saved logins and that's not fun. I use an app called CC Cleaner which cleans up just about everything else every couple of days (on my laptop). 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

A Stitch has gone awry. <--- This is the error page I get every time I try to click on the shopping cart button from my desktop Etsy profile. 

The weird thing is I CAN access my shopping cart on my Etsy buying App on my phone. 

Customer service says this is a "known" desktop issue. It was suggested to me that I may have too many items in my cart which have become unavailable or sold out since I added them. So I check in my app shopping cart to remove them, but when I go back to my desktop to try and view my shopping cart, I still get the Etsy error page : ( 

This is a really big issue. I have been selling and buying on Etsy for a long time. It is very discouraging that the shopping cart can be so easily corrupted. This is a platform in constant flux and you shouldn't have to contact Etsy support just to get into the shopping cart so you can complete  a transaction....

A bit of background: I do often have close to 100 items in my cart at once. I have also exceeded the "Save for Later" Listing item amount of 1,000 items. So now when I want to move items from my cart to save for later Etsy won't let me because my list is too full. Items can only be deleted from the Save for Later area one by one and only if you are able to get your cart page to properly load. So you can see my dilemma. 

This really makes me lose faith in the platform : ( I hope they will put this at the top of the bug fix list!!!

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

Did they ever fix this? I'm trying to shop for supplies and can't access my cart at all

On mobile, tried clearing cache. 

Wonder how many customers are effected........

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

I don't think Etsy has fixed this yet. I still can't get my cart page to load on desktop. I needed a few items last night so I had to send the order through on my Etsy buying App on my phone. 

I have been clearing items out  of my App cart, as they become unavailable and also slowly clearing out my 'Save for Later' list to try and get below 1,000 items. 

I think I am going to chat with customer service again about this today. 

It occurs to me that I have noticed a lot more 'Guest' checkout coming through in my shop. I wonder if people just abandon their profiles and use Guest checkout on desktop because it doesn't get bogged down with all the profile information we, as buyers, have saved? 

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Re: Problems with Shopping Cart TODAY

There is an ongoing thread and the forum moderator asked that issues be reported there in one consolidated place.  If people post their checkout problems there it may help as that thread has already gotten mod attention:

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