I made several price edits using the new form yesterday and they are all screwed up.  Thumbnail prices on some show old price, but new price when click on listing.  On others, old price still shows on both, but when you go into edit mode the new price shows on the OLD form, but not the new one!  Etsy, you need to keep the old form active until you get all these bugs fixed!  It would not let me change it using the new one.  Only the old form actually made the edits correctly.

Re: Price edits made using new form not taking

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I checked out your items and they are very nice ones. I do made crafts. Crochet doll clothes, dog lovers sweater ,painting,women's dress , Please take a look.

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Re: Price edits made using new form not taking

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I changed some prices yesterday.  It took a long time to update, but finally did.  I had to keep rechecking to see that the changes stuck. 

I'm on a lap top computer.


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