I see other sellers are missing photos. Mine are there but all very distorted and weird looking. Anyone else with that problem?
Same here.
Me too.
It's only your thumbnail that is stretched. The photos are fine in the listings.
Mine are the same way. The listing images are fine. It is the thumbnail that is distorted.
sure, but the thumbnail is the shop window. it's the reason people choose to click. no clicks because of site error = loss of earnings.
Just FYI, I just went to your shop (and a lot of others in this thread) and all of your pics look just fine to me, as well as all the other shops I visited. Unfortunately my thumbnails are still stretched and distorted. Sooo weird that some shops appear to be fixed, but not all?!
Yep, all out of whack. And the whole site looks terrible. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.
Mine are also distorted. Most noticeable in jewelry items that are round, they've been elongated.
For me everything was good until now. I have 4:3 photos and they have been always cropped nicely by the site, on the sides, to display as square in my shop and in search results.
All of a sudden my products appear weirdly stretched on my shop home page.
Everything's fine when using the app, or in search results, but in a browser (mobile or desktop) it's a mess.
Stretched out photos!
Hi Everyone, Thank you for the reports! I've merged a few threads together so we can keep you updated here. We’re investigating the issue, and we’ll share an update as soon as we have more information.
I just checked my page and some pictures are still distorted. They say it is fixed but mine isn't. How can I get it fixed?
The etsy email I got says it's resolved but my pics are still distorted
Thanks for the info. I also have an issue with my sale prices showing up on a desktop, but not on mobile. Is this related?
Thanks, because nobody will click on an oval ring setting that looks like a pill bug.
Despite receiving a notification that the photo distortion issue had been resolved, it hasn't in my shop
Me too! Thought it was my bad!
Same I came to look over since I went to look at other shops and its like everyone's images are completely distorted.
Yes, having the same issue so I quickly went to the forums to see what's going on--thanks for posting about it. Also I did not sign up for any marketing campaigns yesterday, so its not just affecting those users!
my photos are distorted, squished and stretched and some blurry.. what a mess
Mine too, although they were fine up until I listed something new a few minutes ago using the new listing form so I assume there's a connection. After hitting publish, the photos shop-wide became distorted, even the ones that are square although some are ok and some aren't, with no rhyme or reason. Back to working on my website, I go.
My shop pictures are distorted too.
Same issue here. I received an email hours ago stating that the issue has been resolved, however all of my listing photos are still completely distorted. Really hope they get this fixed quickly.
This is so ridiculous. This platform is so large that nobody knows what's going on. I didn't receive an email about this. Why do we have to opt in for emails regarding our account? Shouldn't it just be that we receive important information like your shop looking like crap because of nothing you did? This is what we pay for. This monopolized company needs to pay more attention to details that pertain to our shops.