Today is Dec 31 2024, I can see I am making sales because of the confirmation emails I am receiving, however in my dashboard, under "Orders", it says "0"? I made 15 sales today so far, so the number under "Orders" would usually say 15, but not today??
Anyone else having this issue?
happens every 1st of Jan. I am in New Zealand and ahead of the etsy time line. in the dashboard you will see it says Jan 24 not Jan 25. it usually is fixed at 6pm today NZT when etsy time clicks over to the new day (at least for me in NZ) you can still see your sales in finance area.
Because they are digital items, wouldn't they automatically go to the "Completed" section of your Dashboard?
What happened with your 2,765 other sales? Where did they show up?
But he referenced Dashboard - which should show sales for the time period, not open orders.
I think it's just something funny with EOY / end-of-the month reporting. Etsy's "stats" are occasionally a bit glitchy. If you go to the actual stats section, you should see today's orders/sales, but likely they will show up with the date Dec 30. Why? I dunno. But I have noticed stats can be weird like that at the end of the month/year
It's the end of the year as well as end of the month so things get a little funny in the display department. Everything is fine. Your sales will show up later and counted..
Check your payment account. If you have sales they will show there too and that they've been paid for.
Same thing here, but it has happened before and cleared itself up after a while. Problem I'm having with this glitch now is the "ship by" date is wrong. I had a sale this morning and the "ship by" date is Jan. 6 which is correct since our handling time is 1-3 days. The order I just got shows the "ship by" date as Jan. 3 which is definitely not right! I just checked my settings to make sure something didn't get changed and everything is fine. I'll keep an eye on everything and see if this corrects itself when the glitch goes away. If not, I'll push the date to the correct one. Gotta love technology!!
My dashboard says 0 revenue but I made a sale this morning.
I looked to make sure it wasn't one of those purchases where the buyers card hasn't gone through yet but it says paid.
Must be some sort of glitch
happens every 1st of Jan. I am in New Zealand and ahead of the etsy time line. in the dashboard you will see it says Jan 24 not Jan 25. it usually is fixed at 6pm today NZT when etsy time clicks over to the new day (at least for me in NZ) you can still see your sales in finance area.
Thank you! That is exactly what I experienced. As soon as midnight rolled over to the next day, so Jan 01 2025 now, instead of Dec 31, 2024, all the sales I made on the 31st finally populated in the "Orders" sections of the Dashboard correctly.
Thank you and glad to know I was not the only one. I just thought my sales were being deleted, or disappearing somehow, but not the case. I will keep this in mind for next Year at this same time.
Happy New Year from Vancouver Island Canada.
I am having the same issue too. I have refreshed my dashboard several times over the last couple of hours and it still says 0 sales and 0 revenue. I see it in Payment account. Must be a glitch with dashboard. Hopefully they get it cleared up soon.
yep.........same here........... Several customers are sending me their orders and there is no revenue for today listed. I tried telling etsy and then sent me here lol
Yes. I've reached out via chat support and they said the page is undergoing an update and its causing some features to not be visible and said it could be days before its resolved. I hope all our sales are accurately reflected when everything is righted.
Things on Etsy are often glitchy near the change of one year to the next.
Seems like it happens every year!
This actually seems to happen every time there is 31 days in the month. Add in a new year and you have a real boondoggle!
Same - 2 sales today, neither showing in dashboard stats.
I’m having the same problem. It’s also showing 0 sales for the whole year, last 30 days etc.
Etsy support acted like they weren’t sure what I was referring to but I am assuming they’ve had many tickets requesting help for the same issue today. Hopefully it clears up in the next day or two!
Etsy uses an accounting company that is in a different country, so it messes up the information for the end of the year. I have closed down on the 31st for the past 7 years because of this crap, but I gave them a chance this year for some unknown reason. Just be prepared for them to screw up the taxes for your shop. They won't have orders after a certain time on this year's information and then send a corrected form out in like March, so you will have to redo taxes or scramble to get them corrected before submitting. I don't know why I was so optimistic this year and stayed open for the day. I just didn't want to disappoint customers, but now I'm regretting my decision! I'll give my tax guy a heads up. You will only need to worry about the corrected form if it's over a certain dollar amount. I guess we should be glad for the sales at least!
This makes me glad I deactivatd all but my ready to ship stuff the first of Dec and sales slowed to a dead stop about the middle of the month. I JUST NOW reopened everything.
Guess all I need to do now is worry about making a sale before midnight! LOL
@ThePurplePuppy I know, right? My sales this year after October 1st were the absolute worst they have been since the first year I was on here, way back in like 2013. I don't know what Etsy's deal is, but I sure hope 2025 is a better year for everyone!
There appear to be several issues combining to cause problems. If we choose 'yesterday' in the select dropdown then we get the correct numbers for 'today'.
Having the same problem Glitch Etsy?
Not sure if you guys have noticed but under the stats area, where it says 0 sales for "today", it is also showing Jan 1, 2024 as the date. Not sure how to fix that or clear it, but that is the problem. For some reason, it's showing a day almost one year in the past.