Hi! I uploaded my banner but it is not showing up on the receipt at all. Not sure why. Any suggestions?
When you print the receipt it asks you what you want on it and you can select your banner then.
Thats what I needed! Thank you! I see the option under "customized options"! THANKS!!!!!
@LanaNicoleEvents: Was it your shop banner or the order receipt banner which you uploaded? They are not the same thing. If you have not yet done so, you might want to read https://help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015663247-How-to-Customize-Your-Shop-s-Appearance?segment...
Its the order receipt banner. I know they are not the same. I am trying to figure out why its not showing up on the printed receipt.
When you print the receipt it asks you what you want on it and you can select your banner then.
So this is not something the customer necessarily sees if they are downloading digital files, is that correct?
Thats what I needed! Thank you! I see the option under "customized options"! THANKS!!!!!