You would think after YEARS of not working correctly there might be at least one coder who could FIX the frickin' thumbnail.
Just when I think it can't get worse.... it gets WORSE. Now, there's a red circle with a diagonal slash through it when I try to click on "apply" for my thumbnail adjustment. The definition of that red circle with a slash is:
A red circle with a diagonal line through it universally signifies "no" or "prohibited," meaning that a specific action is not allowed or is forbidden
Seriously? Prohibited? Not allowed??? Forbidden???
BUT... maybe someone is working on it?? In frustration I saved my listing as a draft. Just now opened it back up to edit and the thumbnail has been adjusted. So yes, I clicked on "done". Could NOT click on "apply" as apparently that was a big no-no. The listing did NOT reflect my adjustment which is why I saved it as a draft. Then when I reopened it... lo and behold... the thumbnail had been adjusted.
So is this going to be the new process... or the "fix"??? MORE clicks to get a thumbnail adjusted???
And what the heck is the move it to the right crap with the thumbnail adjustment? Is that some early April Fools prank? Or some new weird photo sizing stuff etsy is dreaming up:
We want square images... but we also want rectangular images... so make sure your photos work both ways... and BTW, the short side should be at least 2000px. Oh yeah... something else we almost forgot to mention. We've decided buyers might like left hand margins, too... so we're experimenting (aka testing) with those on your listing thumbnails. All in the interest of making selling easier for y'all. You're welcome!
Continues to make listing something to sell here so time consuming.
I just gave up on them fixing the crop issue ugh. But haha I couldn't miss the title of this thread and had to chime in. Come on Etsy! Fix this.
That said, has anyone been here forever like me? I remember in the early days Etsy would crop our photos intentionally so they were cut off at weird angles. Even then a lot of people hated it and they changed it.
@CuriosityCabinet I opened my shop in mid-August 2006. You?
For the newer folks, Etsy was a hair over 1 year old. In 4 months, this site will be 20 years old!
I opened my original handmade shop in 2005 when etsy was brand new. This shop in 2007.
Wow, what is the answer to the photo dilemma, I have been posting new listings since January and it seems (not all the time) my photos are reverting or going wonky. Today one of my photos went to the right of the screen??? And another just reverted and this is after I used a different photo that seemed to stay in position last night. I hope my customers don't think I have lost my senses, presentation is import in making new sales! Peace and Love
The only answer to this, until Etsy fixes it, is to get your photos right before you upload them and then you don’t have to use the thumbnail crop. I’ve never used the crop tool once. I size my photos to a 5:4 ratio and ensure the first image has enough space at the sides to also work square. Do that before you upload and save yourselves the grief and wasted time!
For my business it only became an issue just recently and only with 4 of my photos, so bizarre.
I'm having the same issue!
I just tried to test it and now I can't even edit the thumbnail at all today. There's a gray crossed out circle over the "Apply" button when I try to save it. Is anyone else seeing that?
I'm here because you responded to my thread about the same issue and I want to keep the topic alive. Please Etsy, get it FIXED!
It's honestly embarrassing to see the items in search with photos messed up. I'm hesitant to post more product because of it.
It would be easier to get frickin sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads... That tool worked for a couple years and has been broke now for more years than it actually worked. It is not that it NEVER worked..just that they changed something and broke it. I try to get my photo right before I upload it. 4:3 or square with the item in the center. A bit of room around for any Etsy tomfoolery.
Unbelievable been trying to upload for 2 days now to my thumbnails!!
I wrote to Etsy on this problem also a couple times, I always get "they are working on it" after a few times of going around in circles. They just don't care!
I have to share a dweeb secret.... something else I sometimes will do to try and get the thumbnail to look right.
I use Adobe Photoshop Elements to tweek my photos (brightness, crop, etc etc).
And I use a laptop connected to a BIG monitor
I have my crop tool set to these dimensions: 2667px by 2000px
I also have a little 6 inch ruler in front of me.
First.... I outline what I want for my crop... making sure my item is centered inside the crop rectangle.
THEN (and this is the important part)... before I complete a crop... I use my trusty ruler to measure my items image inside the crop rectangle (left to right and top to bottom). I am NOT measuring the crop rectangle, just the item inside the rectangle. To make sure I "adhere" to etsy's desire for images to be BOTH rectangular and square, there are always equal width empty spaces on both sides of the crop rectangle.
Anyways, I make sure that the items height is at least the same as the width as measured with my trusty ruler. If it isn't, I drag the crop outline out to be a little bigger... measure again... and once the height is the same as the width... then i complete the crop.
It is absolutely idiotic that I find myself doing something like this. I can list an item all day long on eBay, and eBay works with my image... whatever size it is... instead of forcing me to work with their dimension requirements. Their image adjustment when you list an item is soooo awesome... you can crop, adjust brightness, remove background, sharpen... it's sophisticated... and IT WORKS!
It's embarassing that etsy cares so little about something like this... and yet has the schmaltz to send out a questionnaire on helping to make etsy a better place to sell. The disconnect is just unbelievable....
Tried this morning, still not working!
Mine had been fine until yesterday. Nothing new though--I've had problems with it off and on for the PAST SEVERAL YEARS.
But hey you guys, Etsy is super busy with fonts, colors, and page number ovals. So we should just leave them alone and give them a few more years to fix this.
it works if you wait a minute or so before you press the apply button
I mean, we did this again in 2023, I think I'll review it again in 2025. This is very annoying, I haven't enjoyed it for 2 months, let's do it again, I hope it gets better.
I had problems but then I figured out how to fix it, it’s in the other thread like this