I think it was last week when the Note to Buyer section of the shipping screen changed. There used to be an option to set a certain note to default, but that option is gone now. Choosing a note every single time I print a label isn't too much of a hassle, but it's frustrating that I can't set a default note anymore. Will this be coming back?
I found the option to make it default. It's in a really hard to find spot now.
Do you mean the "message to buyers"? I have mine in "info & appearance"
Nope - not that one. I do know what you're talking about - the message after someone buys an item. The one I'm talking about is on the shipping label screen. When you hit the "Get Shipping Labels" icon for an individual order, another window pops up. On that window, you can select different saved messages that go on the shipping notice.
There is no longer a default option, so it seems you have to select one every time.
Do you have more than 1 message set up in the shipping label message area? I only have 1 set, so I don't have to select each time, it just uses that one.
I found the option to make it default. It's in a really hard to find spot now.