For some reason Etsy isn't recognizing my tracking numbers from Pirate Ship, sinking my star seller fast! It shows it in etsy with the correct tracking yet, when I check on my star seller csv every order I used pirate ship for isn't showing as tracking. Are we not allowed to use pirate ship any more??? 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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So sorry to hear this. With all their USPS label problems..... not being able to purchase all times.... I was going to start using Pirate SHip!!!

So now Etsy does not recognize Pirate Ship and their USPS is mostly broken! 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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It's a USPS-Etsy issue.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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So chatted with customer service twice now and they say I will be contacted back and it never happens!! They need to fix this problem with USPS or do away with the Star Seller program which they have made meaningless through this problem. I have been a seller for 2 decades and may soon be out of here!!

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Been chatting for the last half hour.  The rep acknowledges the orders that are "missing" tracking DO in fact have tracking that they CAN see on their side.  So clearly an Etsy glitch and not my shortcoming.  However they have REFUSED to fix it without my bank account #, TIN or billing card #.  This is in the interest of "member privacy" of which they take "seriously."  What possible interest would a hacker have in fixing the tracking glitch?!

I have literally chatted with them about bank accounts and NOT had to verify.


This is now a matter of principle.  Once again they are saying *security* but promoting questionable info sharing.  No supervisors were available so the best they could offer was a promise of a follow up email from the tech department.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Good luck on hearing back from Tech department. I have been told that several times the past few months. I have NEVER heard from them and I am here since 2017.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Yes, I did get frustrated and asked for a call back.  Shortly thereafter I did recieve a call.  They informed me that yes, they could see tracking info for ALL orders.  They could also see the dings on Star Seller.  After admitting all of that he still made no guarantee that SS would be fixed- maybe 48 hours maybe never.

He also said the issue on having tracking or not couldn't be resolved until delivery.  Wait, are they requiring tracking info or delivery?!

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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They BETTER put our star seller status back to where it should be, especially since it is a factor they use for shop score/relevancy/search placement.


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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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@PrettyVagrant @Prett


My thoughts exactly.

Maybe suspend the dings until THEIR glitch is fixed?

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I switched fully to PirateShip a few weeks ago when Etsy labels started acting hinky. Who has the time to sit and hit refresh, run even more tabs and all that other stuff?!

I always used Etsy labels since it was easier but I do believe there is an issue with the communication between Etsy and USPS. All 27 orders I shipped on Monday show "pre-transit" on Etsy, In Transit on PirateShip with a few having been delivered already. The FedEx orders I shipped on Monday showed in transit the same day on Etsy so the communication is working for that.

Everything I shipped last week is showing In Transit or Delivered both on PirateShip and Etsy with most having been delivered. Some show Delivered on PirateShip and In Transit on Etsy. 

I did have to manually add 1 number last week and it was right around that time that I had to reconnect my shop. Took only a moment to do so.

Overall, I'd prefer to use Etsy labels since my package sizes vary depending on the order and it's more convenient for me to use Etsy labels but far less convenient to waste a ton of time try to get a label to print. 

I prefer to waste time watching Netflix. With wine. And chocolate. And my cat.


edited to fix typo : )


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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Pirate ship has always had better more thorough tracking. 

When I dropped off packages and they were scanned delivered at the counter accidentally and  Etsy and kept the status as delivered pirate ship showed the packages move across the country and get delivery scans.  

Etsy and USPS never showed any scans after that accidentaldelivery scan.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I use Pirate Ship.  

My recent orders show fine.  50...yes 50 older orders from Feb 28-March 4th show Pre-transit.  ALL have proper tracking numbers on Etsy. On the USPS site pretty much all have been delivered.  Now my star seller rating is GONE!  It is not Pirate ship because the numbers are correct and the links go to USPS to show full tracking.  

FIX THIS and fix our star seller ratings

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Even the past few days I am getting pre-transit stuck.  A rare few have updated tracking so it makes no since.  All were done with Pirate ship.  My star seller went from 100%-90% and it is going to keep getting worse.  At least give us the star seller stats back so we are not dinged in search and from possible shoppers while you sort out what is going on.  I have been utterly dead since my star seller status dropped

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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hav eyou contacted etsy about this?

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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@EnergyPeace Not yet I was busy helping with sick grandkids today and came home to notice my star seller dropped to 90% due to over 50 orders not having tracking

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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@PrettyVagrant I just looked at your shop, and you are still a Star Seller.  Do you mean your stats showing for next month have dropped?

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Wow I had not noticed this! 

I have tracking on all my orders and Etsy is pretending I missed 2 and got me down to 98% which is wrong, I am at 100%.

Isn't that typical...and they don't fix it. One order is from the 2nd and one from the 3rd so not like this issue happened today. 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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@EnergyPeace I have contacted Etsy through chat every day this week about this issue. Ive had to give them order numbers which they then fix-then the next day I ship more and its back to square 1. This is the third time I've been told their *team* will email me and I said "really? Because I've been told that TWICE this week and so far nada. So basically your *team* isn't fixing this problem and they're not following up with us either"

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I guess they just fixed the orders and never fixed the actual problem. THen got tired of it and went back to Etsy usual customer service, ignore. 

I am seriously for the first time considering just putting my shop on vacation for a while to think this over. I don't like Etsy at all anymore and how they treat us,  so maybe it would be for the best. 


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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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Did this just start today?  I had my screen up on my tablet and items showed tracking movement. I hit refresh on the page and they all revered to pre-transit.  So I am prob closer to 75 orders not showing proper tracking information! 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I don't know, I never check my ss status as I am always at 100%....I just checked due to the OP and found out the hard way.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I have the same issue. My buyers are getting tracking info - see my completed orders - yet CSV is showing no tracking. It is impacting my star seller status. 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I had an issue importing an etsy order into Pirate ship on Monday. I had to reconnect etsy to Pirate ship. It is working OK now, shows my item that I shipped yesterday in transit. 

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I've also had to reconnect a couple of times within the last two weeks......... so far so good.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I am biting my nails reading this thread.  I just got back from vacation a week ago and sales are going super good since I've been back, having more sales than usual, so more packages to ship.  I use Pirate Ship, and have had no issues at all.  However, I wanted to throw out there a possible clue to whatever is going on.  Since I got back from vacation a week ago, I've been getting this really weird "red" message at the top of my screen after I import orders from Etsy to Pirate Ship.   It says something like I need to "press refresh to update your channels".  The message comes up every time I import orders.  I wonder if there is a connection to the problem you guys are having?  Has anyone else received this message?  For me, it won't go away, even when I refresh the page.

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Re: Not recognizing tracking from Pirate Ship

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I also started noticing the Red message to refresh in Pirate Ship.  I'm going to try contacting Pirate Ship support and see what they have to say


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