Why am i not receiving a Star seller badge if all the criteria for it has been fulfilled?
-Orders are being dispatched on time at 99%
-reviews are at 4.9
-message response rate is at 96%.
And these numbers are been like this for months now and I am not getting any badges for it
Did you meet the income minimum of $300?
Yes i did
Be sure to look at the Previous tab (not what is displayed) as Star Seller for this month is based on the previous 3 months.
Both tabs, current and previous are all 98% and 4.9
go to customer service stats
PREVIOUS review period,
you can download the CSVs and see what Etsy thinks you are missing
you don't have the ships on time with tracking, or the messages badge, you do have the reviews badge
Previous review period has all the criteria met as well. So i don’t know what’s going on
It's apparently a wide-spread issue. Keep messaging them every day, take screenshots of all your stats and download your CSV files. For me, my CSV files are inaccurate and the bot doesn't look at your online info, only CSV. So even if you met the requirement, they won't give it to you. Don't give up, keep messaging them and email if you can. If you can somehow get them on the phone as well.
Etsy does not look at the online info,
They go by what YOU input for ships on time with tracking
You have to do it correctly