I'm not getting email notification of sales - please could you help?
Thank you ,
@BagsyMeFirst: Unfortunately there are lots and lots of threads in this forum about issues with app and eMail notifications - particularly the new order notification.
If you are not receiving any Etsy eMails, you may want to check that your eMail address is still confirmed. You can do that it your Account Settings.
Presuming that the eMail was sent, many bad things can happen after the eMail has left Etsy's eMail server. Your eMail provider or Internet Service Provider or even a relaying server could be blocking the eMail in error and it never even makes it to your eMail client much less your SPAM or junk folder.
Again presuming that the eMail was sent and depending on where in the process the eMail was blocked and who your eMail provider is, sometimes whitelisting the sending domain can help.
Emails from Etsy have been intermittent for me - sometimes I get emails, and sometimes I don't.
Looking at my mailserver logs shows why - my mailserver is showing a "550 Invalid sender" error for some Etsy emails, which means my mailserver is checking with the Etsy mailserver if the sender email address is valid, and the Etsy mailserver is saying it's not valid.
Etsy isn't the only one with this issue - I have seen similar issues with emails from PayPal, eBay, and various other places.
Same here. I had a sale 6 hours ago and still no email from Etsy. (Chrome desktop) My email address is confirmed and I get other emails from Etsy.
The weird thing is that it's inconsistent. Etsy sales notifications come from noreply@etsy.com - and sometimes they fail with the error I mentioned above, and sometimes they come through.
That implies to me that Etsy may have multiple mailservers, and it depends which one is responding to the query as to whether the email will get rejected...
@Martybugs: Good catch. We just spot checked a few of the order notification eMails and they are coming from at least three different Etsy eMail servers. Perhaps one or more are misconfigured. We have also seen some incoming servers being configured to mark eMails coming from the same eMail address but different IP addresses as 'suspicious'.
i have not gotten those emails for over a year now. looking through the forums, there are several posts from other sellers with the same issue. not sure of the cause, but some accounts still get them and some don't.
The last time I got an email from Etsy was October of 2022. I've emailed them, reached out on this forum, done everything they recommended and still no emails. I have to manually log in to see if anyone has ordered or written me.
I noticed today (once I manually checked) that I had a note from Etsy telling me "you're not meeting our customer service standards for message response rate". They continued: "Keep in mind that not meeting our standards could result in your search visibility being lowered, and your shop or account status being impacted."
Sorry I don't have better news, but it's been TWO YEARS of no emails for me. I'm beyond frustrated.