Two weeks ago, Etsy deactivated one of my listings and sent a generic email about why it was deactivated. I read through every article and policy linked in the email and did not find any way in which my item was in violation. So, as the email instructed, I replied to that email asking for clarification.
a week went by with no response. So I contacted Etsy via the chat function and was ASSURED that my issue would be forwarded to a specialist and marked “urgent” and I would hear back from someone “right away.”
It has been A SECOND week now with no contact from Etsy at all about the original email I sent or the chat I initiated.
How else can I contact someone to explain why my listing was deactivated and appeal the decision?
We can probably tell you quicker than any response you'll ever get from them. If you share what the listing was for, general description, tags used, we can probably help you figure it out.
I see items like seed bombs in your shop. I know they have taken down bath bombs for the word bomb, so it could be something like that.
They are currently taking down anything that mentions the FDA. Did you have anything in your item, like FDA approved ingredients or tools or anything?
Then there's the colors. A couple examples are amber and ivory.
Then another common one is mentioning an embargoed country, like Cuba or Afghanistan.
First thing I did was search 'ivory' in the OP's shop. lol But no, nothing. Then I noticed the flower seed favors. It could be that one or more of the flowers listed in the description could be a problem. One of them was California poppy. ''Poppy'' could be causing a problem if a bot was involved.
I agree, the word 'bomb' could've caught their attention. There is a category for seed bombs though, but you never know!
Yes, so many things that seem totally innocuous, just waiting to pounce!
Unfortunately this is why I need to speak to Etsy and am at a loss as to how to get a non-automated response from them. There were no prohibited items, no FDA or ivory or amber, no embargoed countries (I ship to US, Canada, and “everywhere else.”
so I need ETSY to tell me what the supposed issue is, and they are dead silent. Not a peep for two weeks.
But you do still have items that could easily trigger a deactivation. Things like seed bombs and poppy seeds. Like I said, you're more likely to get help and answers here if that's what you actually want. If the purpose is just to rant about how they're not getting back to you, then I think there might be a club you can join.
Like a person, a company is defined by its deeds and not by its words.
''so I need ETSY to tell me what the supposed issue is, and they are dead silent.''
That's fairly typical. They send the prohibited page link and expect the seller to figure it out. But, as audreytherese asked, if you tell us what was removed, we might have an idea as to what caused the problem.
Etsy will not specifically tell you why because they will not give "business advice." You are expected to figure it out by looking at the TOUs.
I know that isn't helpful, but it's the reality.
Etsy will only refer you to their policies, as direct responses open them up to liability issues. It is up to you to read the policies and try to figure out what went wrong.
There are restrictions about seeds and plants. Many seeds that are perfectly safe to grow where you live may be banned for sale elsewhere. Etsy bans poisonous and invasive plants, and if you were selling seed mixes that contained these (Japanese Bindweed, Poppies of any kind) the listing would be pulled.
I see Foxglove in one of your seed bombs - it is poisonous. Baby's Breath is actually a very dangerous invasive species where I come from that is destroying native plant habitats - it is almost impossible to eradicate and I would NEVER plant it.
And honestly 2 weeks is nothing, because to them it's an item that broke a rule and not a priority. When I once had an item deactivated it took them 2 months to give me a reason.