Yeh, I know they posted it was fixed but it is NOT! I just made some edits ( price, photos ) to an expired listing and the only choices I am given is to discard changes, preview and list! NO option at all to save the changes in draft mode and re list later. I WAS able to do it in the old form! More wasted time. smh 

Inspiration Seeker

Re: New form STILL will not allow me to save edits!

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I cannot upload photos to a draft and now cannot even save a draft. Frustrating.

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Re: New form STILL will not allow me to save edits!

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OP stated this happened with editing an expired listing.  It's also happen for me with sold-out or inactive listings.  It does not seem to happen with copied listings, or active listings, at least for me.

What's worked for me is to make the listing active first - I use the gear icon on the thumbnail, or to use the copy feature - which admittedly isn't ideal.


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Re: New form STILL will not allow me to save edits!

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I am having the same problem. This new form is awful! I cant re-activate a listing, make changes to it, nothing. I can select to activate it all day long but it just wont actually do it. 
I dont have the time or patience for this. I need to get my listings to work!!!!!

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Re: New form STILL will not allow me to save edits!

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I just listed a new item and accidentally listed in the wrong category.  It will not let me edit the category.  I get so tired of people messing with something that works and then making it worse.  Plus it takes longer.  Also on the Etsy App my listings use to come up by sections now they don't .  I give Etsy about a 2 right now, 10 being the best 

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Re: New form STILL will not allow me to save edits!

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I am having this exact problem, today is November 1, 2024

Post says there is a solution, I have not found it in the post.

Is there a solution to not being able to make edits to old ads? 

I can post an inactive ad, but I can't save changes/edits. I can activate an inactive ad if I don't make changes to it, but I can't then take that now active ad and make changes to it!

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