Inspiration Seeker

My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Anyone else having this issue? When I went on my Etsy account today, my Star Seller page said I missed tracking on 5 orders that I shipped out yesterday. I downloaded the Order History, where it shows you links to each order that was "missing" tracking and when I open the link, I can clearly see the tracking number for each order... and it also says they weren't shipped on time, which they 100% were. I ship within 2 business days always, and these orders were shipped the morning after they were purchased. I literally couldn't have shipped them any faster.

I contacted support, and they led me here since they can't do anything to change it. It just seems super unfair because I did everything right on my part. Etsy is dinging me for no reason and I just have to put up with it? Hopefully this gets fixed, I'm pretty bummed out about it. I pride myself on quick shipping so this kinda stings. 

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8 Replies
Community Maker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Are you using Etsy labels?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

No I've always used PirateShip for my labels

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Community Maker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Is your Etsy shop synced with Pirate ship?

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Yeah I just synced it last week, but I always enter the tracking info on Etsy.com. Maybe I should un-sync it?


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Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

@EleanorLaneCo: Unfortunately we are at the mercy of if, when, and how often AfterShip updates records. If the shipper is supported by Etsy make sure that the shipped date, tracking number and shipping company show correctly on the actual order. Often recent shipments are not timely updated. Usually a day or two after the package has been scanned the CSV file correctly shows tracking and shipment status and Star Seller stats auto adjust.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Thank you! I'll keep an eye out. These just shipped out yesterday so maybe that has something to do with it? I'll wait a couple days and see if it updates. Maybe this has happened before and I just never noticed it.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Thank you for saying this yesterday! I checked this morning and my score is back to normal. For some reason that irked me so much but now I know just to wait lol

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: My Star Seller score is incorrect - says I'm missing tracking info but I'm not

Yes I too have same comment on my score when all my shipping indicates a tracking number? Were you able to resolve this issue that affects star seller score?  

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