Hello, I should have gotten star seller. When September ended, it had not taken into account and order from last week that was shipped with tracking and should have put me into Star Seller for October. Please recalculate and award.
@OnceUponaPageDesigns: "Please recalculate and award." Just so you know, even if Etsy Support or the Help Pages sent you here this is a seller peer to peer forum, and should not be considered a way to contact Etsy, if that is your hope (although Etsy does sometimes read and reply to posts).
"... order from last week that was shipped ..." What was the scheduled to ship by date on that order? It appears that often an order is not counted until that date regardless of when you actually shipped.
While Etsy has made it clear that they will not manually adjust Star Seller stats they can, in some cases, fix the underlying data and then the Star Seller stats will auto update (but not retroactively).