Sellers on Alibaba have stolen my photos and Etsys AI flagged and removed by listings for violating creativity standards. This happened the end of August’s and I have sent countless help requests and evidence proving these are my products made from raw ingredients by me. I’ve even provided proof of conversations with the sellers on Alibaba demanding they remove my photos that they are using to sell products that are not mine as well as showing reports I’ve filed with these platforms for violating IP laws.
I have yet to have an actual person review all of my evidence provided to fix this issue and it’s causing a major problem for my shop. I desperately need someone to address this and correct this mistake. The help requests are being closed without communication or someone actually looking over the situation.
I have sent 54 photos and 4 videos which include the following evidence:
Message from customer via Etsy last year bringing it to my attention that other companies are using my product photos to sell their goods. This was dated last August/September 2023.
Screenshots from my initial contact reaching out to these companies demanding that they remove my photos, starting in 2023
Screenshots showing continuous demands to these sellers and some agreeing to remove them.
Screenshots of successful reporting to the platforms that the companies are selling on (through image search I’ve found about 10 companies across alibaba and made in china platforms)
Screenshots of my ingredient orders
Screenshots of my empty containers orders (I purchase these bottles from a seller on Etsy)
Photos of my workroom
Photos of raw ingredients in my workroom
Photos of storage areas for empty containers in my garage (apologies for the mess, we were clearing out and organizing)
Screenshots of my original photos before editing
Videos of me making one of the serums that have been removed (each of the 4 videos will have to be sent separately through email)
Screenshots of my labels and box designs I created
Photos of my “wall of boxes” were each box is stored in clear drawers
I am willing to do whatever you need to correct this mistake. It’s been over a month now and I’m terribly stressed about this and afraid of loosing my shop. I am a victim of these companies stealing my work photos and am being punished.
I’d also like to note that almost all of these companies have removed the photos. If another search is done, please click the links and it will say product are no longer available.
That's a lot for Etsy to have to deal with and review. You should just send one email and wait for the reply. If you keep opening new ones then I think you are back to square one each time.
This situation has happened to many other sellers and I think the issues are being resolved. Have a search around the forum to see if you can find similar threads to yours.
Hopefully one of the mods might see your post and step in.
It seems that Etsy generally uses the "violating creativity standards" when advising the reason for take downs. I looked at one of your listings and it mentions "antioxidant activity". That may be construed as a medical claim?
Oh my god, 6 weeks!!!!! I'm on week 2 with no response..
Like JJewelrySuppliersUK said, do not keep opening new tickets. Just keep one open and in that ticket- provide all your proof. I hope this gets resolved for all of us soon, this is so horrible!
Often times Etsy will close your ticket and you have no choice but to open a new ticket.
@ShineSkincareCo -- Have you actually filed any DMCA's against these sellers? If not, then just asking them to remove your work is not enough!
I spoke to an attorney and he quoted me to create a cease and desist to send out to them but it will be $750 each. I did report the sellers to the platforms and almost all of them but one so far have removed my photos. They still show up through an image search but the links say that the item is no longer available. I’m going to have to create a login for Alibaba to be able to formally file the complaint vs reporting the seller and individual listings there.
If they remove the items from their shop then why would you need to file a DMCA request also?
@CreativeDesignsbyAmi: "... then why would you need to file a DMCA request also?" Because the way most laws work, you may have to be able to prove that you are actively protecting your intellectual property.
Etsy may not ever respond to you other than to refuse to change their mind. After weeks of pleading with Etsy support I have given up.
Generally speaking Etsy will do nothing. They are completely satisfied with what they are doing now. When you sell on Etsy you are pretty much on your own if a problem arises.
Instead of making Etsy more human, more handmade, more unique, these bots are giving Etsy a media reputation as exactly the opposite.
3 weeks ago Etsy’s “automated systems” removed my best seller. Followed by another listing 1 week later. Still haven’t heard anything back from them. Lost my star seller status and my business has dropped by at least 50%. So frustrating!
Interesting that sellers have to respond to customers within 24 hours, but it’s fine for Etsy to take weeks or months to reply to sellers? 🧐
Same here with star seller badge and down 50% for sales. It’s a big issue. I’ve offered to provide anything else they need including a video call but I can’t get a person to look it over. It’s just a cut and paste response then closed ticket. I was told it has been forwarded to the appropriate team but it’s been almost 6 weeks since this started.
This is happening to so many sellers. I predict it is all going to result in a class action suit against Etsy when enough of us get unfairly treated by Etsy.