Anyone else having an issue with listings showing active, but customers are not able to purchase because they're showing sold out?  Tried deactivating/reactivating and reached out to Etsy Help 8 hours ago but have not gotten a response yet.  Pretty frustrating as these are items I sell multiple of a day!!!

Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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We have the same problem.  Reported it to Etsy twice (first time May 3rd) I’m still waiting for a response. 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I’m having same issue with a listing. Customers are trying to purchase it but it says sold and it’s not. It’s in my shop. 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Mine are showing sold out, too. They need to fix this asap.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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So, if I made a copy of a listing, and changed the title and a few pictures and edited the description, and it has a new indexed number, the representative said that google picks up the old listing and it says sold out.

Well, that has never, ever happened to me.  Google hasn't picked up my new listing - it still shows the old listing which, of course, it states sold out.  I have never had this problem in the past, where I have to go in and change the new listing to say from 1 - 2. 

 The indexing is not upi to date using Google is what I think.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Marking this post as this has affected my shop too!  :(.  I deactivated the affected listing, copied and relisted and it appears to be available now, but it's very disturbing because all my listings in my Seller account were showing they were active even though they aren't available in to buyers.  I have lost a days worth of income so far.....   

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Marking this post as this has affected my shop too! :(.  I deactivated the affected listing, copied and relisted and it appears to be available now, but it's very disturbing because all my listings in my Seller account were showing they were active even though they aren't available to buyers.  I have lost a day's worth of income so far.... sigh

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Marking this post as this has affected my shop too! :(.  I deactivated the affected listing, copied and relisted and it appears to be available now, but it's very disturbing because all my listings in my Seller account were showing they were active even though they aren't available to buyers.  I have lost a day's worth of income so far.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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My shop has same issue. My customer couldn't check out. 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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im having the same problem,  customers are emailing to ask why my items are sold out but showing active.  

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Yikes! I just encountered the reverse issue - deactivated an item and a buyer was able to purchase. Had to send a message of apology and cancel order, deleted the listing from SOLD listings, but worrying. What the holy heck is going on? Hope they resolve these issues promptly.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I was wondering why my shop has been so slow this last week! I have several of my popular listing that cant be purchased because they are coming up as sold out when they aren't sold out. This is is very frustrating.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I have had an appalling slow week. I just happened to look at my shop on the buyers app and my best selling item says sold out when you click on it! What on earth?! How many sales have i missed out on due to this?! 
its active on the sellers app! 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I have reported a bug that I think is related.

When you open a Sold Out listing, it defaults to the new form and the Quantity box is empty. If you then switch to the old form the quantity re-appears.
I don't renew sold listings because my items are vintage so I was wondering if someone could try, next time they need to renew sold - open the listing, switch to the old form, then Renew.

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I just copied the sold out listing, and made a new listing. Buyer can check out. 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I am having the listing removed from view (This item is unavailable - Etsy) with a message saying "Sorry, this item is unavailable in your region."

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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I’m having this issue also. I have temporarily circumvented the issue by changing item quantity to “2” instead of “1” on the affected listings. A real solution would be fantastic! 

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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It's happening again TODAY!!!  What is going on?  I would never had known if customers weren't contacting me because items appear "sold out" when they are not!

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Trying to bump this thread for an answer.  Is ANYONE even working on this issue?  I guess I have to click on over 200 listings to see if they are active?  This is so frustrating.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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just realized this was happening to me too. I have had an incredibly slow month when the last 2 months have been really great.  I accidently clicked on a listing as I was making shipping labels and it showed sold out. I was like thats weird, it doesn't say sold out in my orders and I double checked to make sure I didn't just sell one.  I then clicked on a bunch of other listings of items I had recently sold and 90% of them all had the same issue.  I was able to fix it (for now) on the ones I could find (need to go through my whole shop) by going into the listing, adding a word in my description and republishing.  


What a mess.  It was all of my best sellers that were showing as sold out.  

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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Same, just had a customer writing to me saying its sold out. This is unacceptable, I'm losing sales!

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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You need to NOT use the etsy seller app to renew listings and NOT use the new listing form. This combination causes the "Sold Out" listings. My friend had this issue and called support. You need to use a web browser and switch to old listing tool to check that quantity is 1 or more.

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Re: Listings are Active, but when you click on them they are showing SOLD OUT

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But if you put a larger quantity the listing will renew do we fix that?

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