Pictures do not pop up when a choice is selected. Noticed this on my small wreath listing.
What to do ?
I just noticed that it's not working on our shop today. Not sure how to report this bug.
I noticed that when I was listing something- was on the new way to do a listing and I switched to the older way and it worked.. I just checked the listing and it is working fine.
I too have just noticed this issue. I tried the web page in Chrome and via incognito and the variation photos are not linked. Looked on my Android phone and the photo variation links are working.
Did you report the issue to Etsy yesterday?
I also have the same problem, the variants are not linked to the photos, it doesn't work with the browser, I tried with the application and everything is ok.
Mine keep unlinking for the last few months. Having to go into the listing and linking them up again. I don’t have many variations, so not a big thing but I can’t imagine if you are a seller with many or all of your items being variations. I can’t believe Etsy is not getting this under control. Very annoying.
I have also discovered you can't go in to manually relink them, as they show as linked in Shop Manager. It definitely appears to be a Web page issue.
Etsy please can you fix this asap.
I also have the same issue and nearly all my listings have variations. Sales have definitely slowed. Anyone know when this started?
Same. I might not have even noticed if it wasn't for this post. I know mine were working a couple days ago. Wonder what the cause of the bug is and how widespread it is.
Just checked on 3 different browsers. Variations are not working on Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
They do appear to be working on Chrome though, at least for me. On my computer.
Tried the same browsers on my tablet and variations are working on all 3 there.
I am experiencing this issue as well. Variations are shown as linked by Microsoft Edge but are not working in Google Chrome. I reached out to Etsy support, but they seem to have no information about this issue. They suggested clearing browser cookies, but it didn't help in this case. I don't know what to do; sales have been decreasing over the past few days...
I contact with Etsy support again and this is what they answered me:
I've added your report to the ongoing investigation so the team can take a deeper look into what's going on. At this time, we do not have a timeframe for when this issue will be resolved but please know that we prioritize our technical issues by impact to our marketplace. In the meantime, we recommend editing listings that have variation photos via desktop or mobile web only.
I too contacted via chat and they said they will report this issue and to wait for 24 hrs and try the listing again.
I did edit listings via desktop and that is how I found it the photos do not pop up on selected choice.
The good news is that they said the variation photos do come up for a customer. But not for us sellers.
Glad to find this forum. I just started my store and received unfavorable feedback about the images not linking to the color selection. I was seeking information if it is possible to correct the issue. Also, where can I find the chat option? Having trouble finding it. Thanks!
chat is there for me as a star seller. But you can go to your dash board and click Help and there are options for you
Same thing, all variations are there and photos linked, but do not come up when browsing.
No reply from Etsy. Very frustrating, and affecting sales. Help
Same problem in my shop. Many of my items are photo linked and the links are not working...It is an important feature and hope it can get resolved soon.
I also didn't realize this was happening to my listings until this thread.
Me too. Hope this gets fixed.
Glad to know that Etsy is "working on it" and acknowledged it's an issue. I'm seeing the linked pics in my own shop, using Chrome (signed in and out) - on desktop. I also just checked my Buyer app, and it seems to be working for me. However, I received a message this morning from a shopper that they couldn't see the pictures for the options in a Variation, so I just spent quite some time taking new pics to send to them in a message.
Just checked again this morning and desktop version seems to be working again now...Hoorah!
you can't even link the photos when you go to the site where you work on the item -
the opportunity to link the photos to the variants is GONE