Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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We have a number of items that when click on, bring up the "Sorry, this item is unavailable" message.  This has been going on for over a month and some of these are very good sellers in our shop.  We contacted Etsy well over a month ago via email and didn't hear back.  So, we called and finally got a message back.

We were told that tech was backed up and would be looking at this as soon as they could and that Etsy was having trouble with large shops such as ours.  That was 3 weeks ago and customers still cannot access these items, but of course we're paying Etsy to have them in the shop.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Our shop is certainly not the largest here on Etsy, some sellers with this type of shop have upwards of 2,000 to 3,000 items, and to the best of our knowledge there is no cap on the number of items Etsy will display in your shop (well...there's no cap on the amount of listing fees they will take, but maybe there's a cap on what they can actually display?)

Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, was it resolved?  And is Etsy going to refund listing and renewal fees to us?

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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It worked!  Thank you so, so much.  We took a 2-week vacation starting at the end of July and I guess that's what caused it.  Such a simple fix, but Etsy Admin seems to have no idea what's going on with this!  I will let them know, and thanks again for your help.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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32 Replies

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I'd try verifying if its the number of listings or particular listings not behaving correctly myself. You could do this by creating a new listing and seeing if it behaves correctly. You could also try copying one of the misbehaving listings.

And when you can finally get someone from Etsy to help I'd ask for the listing fees to be refunded and/or for free listing fees to cover the loss.


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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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@thependantemporium  This was a glitch that was often reported after coming back from Vacation mode.  The fix is simple - Deactivate all of your listings, then reactivate.  Note - this is NOT the same as deleting, and should not cost you anything.  Worth a try - do it on laptop.

Come back to let us know if that worked for you!


Just wanted to copy this other thread for future reference - about coming OFF of vaca mode -

Seller came out of vaca mode, and some listings appear active, but when you click on a listing, it says "Sorry this item is not available".

This is something that has been reported in the past - and I remember posts about the fix recommended by Etsy Support - 

- Try turning vaca mode back ON again - then off

- Try deactivating listings - then reactivating.  You won't be charged to reactivate - if you are hesitant, try it on one or two listings to test.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else experiences this, and what you did to solve it!

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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It worked!  Thank you so, so much.  We took a 2-week vacation starting at the end of July and I guess that's what caused it.  Such a simple fix, but Etsy Admin seems to have no idea what's going on with this!  I will let them know, and thanks again for your help.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I was experiencing the same problem and simple deactivated / reactivated all listing. Thank you very much for your advice.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Ahh so glad I discovered this! Totally worked. I had been so confused and waiting for Etsy to get back to me about fixing this issue. Thanks

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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that didn't work for me


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I tried both deactivate and reactivate listing and vaca mode on and off... didn't work still...

anything else you recommend? tried to connect Etsy Adm, no help so far:(

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I’ve had two messages in the last two days about items showing as unavailable when they are active and in stock on my end. Will try this now myself, thank you! 

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Had the same problem after coming off vacation mode. Confirmed turning vacation mode on and off again fixed it. Thanks!

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I haven't been on vacation for two weeks and up until today, items in my shop operated normally.  But today, when I went to find a listing for an old, sold item to copy and edit for a slightly different item, all of the old items in that search came up as unavailable.  I can't deactivate a 'sold item'.  How do I get them back to review?  I suppose I can go to my sold items and search there; but they should be on my shop manager page. 

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I'm not sure I understand. It would seem that you'd want old, sold items to come up as unavailable. Am I misunderstanding something? When I'm wanting to do what you're talking about, I go to "Orders & Shipping" > "Completed" and search for the item there. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Hooray, thank you for this advice, deactivating and then activating my listings suddenly fixed the problem that they had become unavailable. Love it when it turns out there is a simple solution

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Missing listings after vacation mode has happened to me too! (And support has so far only referred me to the "violations" team!! Yikes)

anyway I've found this thread and tried the "deactivate then reactivate" fix... But none of my listings will come back!

It keeps saying "we're unable to renew 0 listings" (huh?) your listings are missing required delivery info, blah blah blah...

First of all, I'm reactivating not renewing! And secondly the delivery profile is correctly entered on all of them!



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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Not sure if you've already sorted this, but I had the same issue and found I was able to reactive by not using the bulk 'select all 143 items' button, but one page at a time seemed to work.


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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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it happened to me too. I came back from vacation last week and noticed some listings became unavailable. Etsy tech was no help at all. I tried deactivate and activate again, didn't help those:(  Also, I put my shop on vacation on and off, that didn't help either.  any other suggestions?

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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This probably isn't the same issue as the original post. Etsy is doing a sweep of seeds and plants. Lots of shops affected. All waiting with open tickets to hear something back. I've got 57 affected listings and I have definitely not had a vacation this year! @NewHillFarms 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I made a new listing because deactivate did not work for me. The new listing is fine, must be something in the old listing string. Etsy chat was no help.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Did not work for us.  We have had a "ticket" in with Etsy for a month now after we came back from vacation and no change.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Hi New Hill, I'm having the same thing with my seeds. 83 Items have been affected. But the kicker is, anything that would possibly be noxious, has been totally left alone. Its Lettuce, Okra, Beans, Zinnia's, cucumbers. I'm at my wits end. My Son also has a seed shop, but his has not been touched. Not one. I've had multiple chats, Messages, Calls, Escalated tickets...CRICKETS!!! My correspondence started on August 9th. Nothing has helped as far as deleting, etc. Buckeye Farms

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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@BuckeyeHeirloomSeeds Same here. I've been waiting weeks. 57 affected listings. Sunflowers, cosmos, parsley, nothing on the noxious lists. I have heard a few shops have been corrected so it can happen! I'm not listing anything new or renewing expired listings until it's corrected. I have read updated lists that have added larkspur, delphinium and foxglove. I self removed any that may have caused an issue. 

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Have you tried to <edit. and <publish> the listing? We have found that some of our listings (which happily renew when sold) have *errors* when you try to publish them. For us it is most often that the "date when made" field mysteriously becomes blank all on its own.

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Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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Thanks for this post, I had the same problem with some listings showing as unavailable even though they had a few days/week left before they needed renewing. I too had vacation mode set for a while and had to deactivate/reactivate to sort. I now need to check other listing sections! Absolute nuisance

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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I see that this thread has been dormant for a while, but we are now having this same issue with a twist: it appears that customers in the UK and EU are getting a "Darn, this item is no longer available" message on items that are not only available, but purchasable when I go to the store with through the incognito/private window and try to purchase them. I have tried turning the store on and off of vacation mode, and deactivating and reactivating one of the items in question, but this has not solved the issue. However, it solves why we had an absolutely dismal December when it's usually the biggest month of the year! Is anyone having a similar issue or have a fix?

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Community Maker

Re: Items listed in shop showing as unavailable

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@RowanWoodCrafts The error message the UK customer sees reads 'Sorry, this item is unavailable in your region.'

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