People have four of my items in their queues but aren't buying them. i already nudged them with a 10% discount offer. These are one-of-a-kind items. How can I contact the potential buyers or remove the items from their queues, so they're not tied up?
You can't. Just because they are in someone's cart does not mean they can't be purchased by another person.
@BonjatheBodger It's a virtual cart - most online shoppers understand the concept. In know there are still some who believe otherwise, though - I wish Etsy didn't do this. It's supposed to create a sense of "urgency" to buy. Ebay has a notice of offers and watch lists, for the same purpose.
@BonjatheBodger: "How can I contact the potential buyers ..." You cannot - and if you could you would be guilty of being a spammer.
"... or remove the items from their queues, so they're not tied up?" They are not tied up and being in someone's cart does not keep someone else from buying the item.
The 'x people have this in their cart' message is intended as a nudge for buyers, not information for sellers. There is no information from Etsy on how current, accurate, or inclusive this information is.
You can't. Just because they are in someone's cart does not mean they can't be purchased by another person.
My concern is that when others see the notification that there's only 1 left and it's in someone's cart, they'll be inclined not to purchase it, thinking someone else is already going to do so...
@BonjatheBodger It's a virtual cart - most online shoppers understand the concept. In know there are still some who believe otherwise, though - I wish Etsy didn't do this. It's supposed to create a sense of "urgency" to buy. Ebay has a notice of offers and watch lists, for the same purpose.
People put items in carts for many reasons other than to buy. Pestering them to buy will, in lots of cases, convince them NOT to buy.
They are not tied up, anyone else can still buy them.
Unfortunately, the site displays a notification that says "Only 1 available and it's in someone's cart," so chances are people will avoid it, thinking someone else is already going to purchase it...
@BonjatheBodger: "How can I contact the potential buyers ..." You cannot - and if you could you would be guilty of being a spammer.
"... or remove the items from their queues, so they're not tied up?" They are not tied up and being in someone's cart does not keep someone else from buying the item.
The 'x people have this in their cart' message is intended as a nudge for buyers, not information for sellers. There is no information from Etsy on how current, accurate, or inclusive this information is.
Appreciate all the quick responses. Thanks for the info...