With the new rollout, I am seeing all of my items are automatically listed as "Designed by FirstCampaign" (this shows on the item listing) even though most of my items should fall under "Made by". Anyone else experiencing this? I tried to edit the new "Core details" section ("Who made this item?", etc), but still says "Designed by". Maybe just a bug in the initial rollout?
@artbyjocelyn Just edit your listing(s). Under "details" > physical item > click "change". Answer the questions. The descriptor will adjust accordingly once you save/publish.
I am exactly the same on a handful of greetings cards which I design and which are then professionally printed for me. They now say 'sourced by' rather than 'designed by'. Just filled out a survey that I found a link to on another post.
@TheAtticRooms I've got the same problem with my notebooks ... they say 'made by AnniebelloPaper' but are in 'party decor for gatherings and celebrations'. I have them in the right category if you drill down to notebooks but the main heading is 'paper and party supplies'. But never mind us ... the resellers will be overjoyed
I have started the process of changing my calendars to Office and School Supplies. That takes away the Party Decor thing. And my printable journal pages to Journals. That also takes away the Party Decor thing.
@ButterflyFeetDigital I tried putting in 'office school supplies' in the category but I only get to desk storage. Your items are digital and I don't see any 'category' on your calendar listings. My notebooks are physical. As soon as I add 'notebook' or 'supplies', I end up back in party.
@ButterflyFeetDigital I tried it again, just with 'office school' and got the result you did. Thank you. Changed a couple of my mini notebook listings to see if it makes any difference.
I just can't figure out why Etsy would lump paper products in with party supplies. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Resellers Are allowed in that category. We don't have to be the designer of the artwork being printed, we can sell ready made Paper and Party Supplies on Etsy. I just happen to be the designer of the images being printed in my wall calendars.
Nothing changes it except moving my calendars from that sub-category.
All of my items are made by me, but some are showing as “designed by”. I have never had a production parter and confirming handmade is not changing the designed by label.
Talked to support, they can only suggest taking the survey and say there is no way to fix this at this time
Well, I am surprised. Etsy pushing an "Improvement" without thoroughly testing it and shoving it in our throats. My guess is we are stuck with this for a long time since they will do nothing to fix it. Instead, they will improve it more and start to categorize the made by and designed by in their searches, putting lots of Handmade items into designed by category so buyers cannot find us.
@feltplanet what survey? Is there a way we can let Etsy know about these problems and our thoughts on the new classification system? Where can I find this?
Edited: Nevermind I found it! Can't wait to fill it out!
I’m experiencing the same thing. All mine are made by me but all say “designed by”.
Most of my jewelry is made to order from raw materials by me but I use hand fabricated (by me) components in some pieces that I have professionally cast and THEN solder those cast components to form rings, pendants, etc. So even though I use a production partner on those pieces, I still hand make them to order. Just because you use a production partner does not mean that they produce the finished product.. how does that work with the new labeling system?
If you use a company to make your supplies I don't think that's a production partner. They are ones who make the final product for someone who makes the design.
The announcement says that digital items are all classified as designed by. I have no 3rd party helping in the production of my items. My items are made by ME, using the computer and digital tools. And they have my calendars and journal pages classified as Party decor. Sigh.
@ButterflyFeetDigital: Not defending how Etsy designed and implemented this change, but in your case it at least makes some sense as you are not making a physical item but designing a digital item.
In addition to the obvious errors in assigning which grouping an item belongs to, the number of groupings seems to be too narrow. Why is there not also a 'designed and made by x' or a designed by x and made by production partner' choice.
Of course this completely depends on seller's being truthful, and we know how well that goes with all of the 'handmade' violations that exist on Etsy.
Plus there will always be edge cases that never fit into any choice.
I have this issue too. Two of my items are showing as designed by when they should be made by.
Nothing I do seems to change it, I've tried updating the new core details, I don't have any production partners and everything is made from raw materials.
I was on chat with a few potential fixes but none of them work for me. My husband has suggested that for now I edit the description to add the item is handmade by me and there is a slight rollout issue causing this listing to show as designed by
I am having the same issue, all of my items are made by me, from scratch, and yet some of have been labelled as 'designed by' . Chat told me it is not possible to change this at all, and just to fill in the survey if I thought this was wrong.
I need some clarification. I hand screen and ship our tees from our Oregon shop, but they show as 'designed by' instead of 'handmade.' And if you follow the definitions as outlined, should this process be under 'handmade'? The 'handmade' descriptions even shows an example that puts this under 'handmade' and another example under 'designed by' for printed tees that are POD and made somewhere else.
That should be 'Made by', I have silk screen prints and block prints of mine say 'Designed By' it's infuriating.
I Made It should be chosen, you, the seller, are making your final item that you sell.
Same over here. Not super happy!
I am experiencing the exact same thing! Thought I could change it but it did not! I called and they said there is nothing they can do right now because they are working out the kinks
Maybe I'm wrong but in my opinion items described as Designed by isn't a big issue and could be a better label than only Made by. In fact Etsy should have added a Category: Designed and Made by... If it's only Made by could it be qualified as copy of other Designer designs????