glitch in listing

I was trying to list some new items and ran into a couple of problems.

the 1st page that comes up lets me mark the Who Made it

When I go to mark What it it? it won't mark, then jumps back to Who Made it?

I can mark When was it Made? (year)

When I try to mark the How does your shop produce the item? or What tools are used to make this item, it won't mark and jumps back to Who Made it?

I contacted ETSY and they sent me an article about shipping details, times, and calculated shipping.??????

Anyone else having a problem listing today? Several times I closed out the ETSY website and started over, which did not help. I am using a desk top computer and Chrome.

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6 Replies

Re: glitch in listing

@KraftKorner: "Anyone else having a problem listing today?" This (and similar) issue has been reported multiple times recently in this forum particularly for Chrome browser users. Only working solution for some has been to use a different browser.

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Re: glitch in listing

I checked back in the forums and it seems a lot of people using Chrome are having problems relisting items, or changing shipping profiles.

I can do that, just not list a new item.

I will try a different browser.

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Re: glitch in listing

I'm having all of the same problems today. I can't choose who created the item when I'm listing an item and I've also had problems switching between shipping options when I'm purchasing a label. Very frustrating. I had the shipping label problem last week so I'm disapointed that it's still a problem. I've cleared my cache, restarted, etc.... nothing helps. I have to go use Microsoft Edge instead. 

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Re: glitch in listing

I just listed a new item and renewed another one. I had no problems with either listing. I do not use Chrome.  

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Re: glitch in listing

Exactly the same here. Chrome, on my tablet. Sometimes I am able to click  'What is it?' after numerous attempts.

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Re: glitch in listing

Same problem. Etsy has not responded to my request for help. Ready to give up. Lack of communication with Etsy is sad especially with all the fees we pay.

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