My listing photos missing, not showing up in the feautured section.
@WhiteSwanTreasures Just found this Thread from April.
Also, I'm yet to finish updating my shop items to the new listing form. Maybe that could why many listing not showing as featured. I'm not sure, but thanks so kindly for all the help.
My pleasure; I really hope this helps you.
I'm seeing the photos in your featured section, all four are there. It seems that sometimes there's quite a lag before they show up.
Yes thank you, there is definitely a short lag before showing up. My problem is If I select new items to feature in the section I can't change them out, its strange.
Hi, Do you mean while you are in your Shop Front; or when you're in the Listings Manager? (In your Shop Front, I see 4 photos).
Hi, yes, when in the listing manager, I have other items I wish to feature in the 4 slots but many of my vintage item won't display, just the same item repeat.
Are you by chance using the App? (or a browser).
I'm using google chrome.
That's what I use, with a desktop computer. I'm trying to think of why you could be having trouble. And I wonder if there's a glitch having to do with Featured Listings (let me look in recent Threads). If I find anything, I'll be back.
I can't post this Thread because it's from December, and we're not supposed to post older Threads." It would get deleted. But if you type in the Search Bar, "Featured listings aren't working" (exact name of thread), and Sort by Date, the top Thread will be from 12/22/23. Sellers in the Thread said it's a long time, ongoing problem, and one that Etsy has not attempted to fix.
I hope you find this Thread and you can see what I mean.
@WhiteSwanTreasures Just found this Thread from April.
Also, I'm yet to finish updating my shop items to the new listing form. Maybe that could why many listing not showing as featured. I'm not sure, but thanks so kindly for all the help.
My pleasure; I really hope this helps you.