Inspiration Seeker

Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller

We've been Star Seller on and off for the past few years, and currently hold this status. In December we received a single one-star review that dropped us down to a 4.8 in the Reviews Rating. I understand that the Star Seller program looks at all shop statistics for the past three months, but it feels like it's counting it again as another low review. In January the Star Seller Reviews statistic was 4.8, this month it's dropped to 4.6, and that's the only review under 3 stars we've received in the past several months. Why is it being counted again when it was already included in the statistics when it first appeared- especially when they say it takes more than four reviews under 3 stars to lower that rating?

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6 Replies

Re: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller

The calculation is for a 3 month period so perhaps some 5* reviews have fallen out of the calculation which has brought your overall score down. 


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Re: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller

Yes, for the star seller awarded on Feb. I, it only counts Nov/Dec/Jan. Anything before that is not included in the calculation

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Betreff: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller


You can do the math yourself by dividing the total number of stars by the number of reviews.

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Re: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller

"especially when they say it takes more than four reviews under 3 stars to lower that rating?"

Who is they? I don't know where you're getting that information. It's all based on a mathematical average.

Your average is probably lower now because we're only a couple days into February, so there's only a couple days of reviews to count vs the whole month of November and however many you got then. 

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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller

"They" is referring to Etsy itself. If you look at the Star Seller Review stats from in the Sell on Etsy app, they mention "Service Standard: No more than 4 reviews have a rating of 3 or lower." I'd include a screenshot but I can't add photos here.

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Re: Incorrect Reviews Calculation for Star Seller


"Service Standard: No more than 4 reviews have a rating of 3 or lower."



That is for the Service Standard, not for Star Seller.  We have two different rating systems in our shops. 

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